- 网络Late glacial;late glacial period

Evidence of fossil Ostracodes for environmental changes of Bohai Sea since late glacial period
Environmental and climatic changes in the interior of Taklimakan Desert since Late Glacial Age
The fluctuating characteristics of the grainsize in the core QH-2000 indicate that the melting of the glacier began at ca.
Inland Lacustrine Record of Environmental Change during Late Glaciation in West China
The Lake Swamp Sediment Records on the Environmental Characteristics of Mu Us Desert since the Late Glacial Epoch
Shifting of vertical vegetation zones in Manas River drainage on northern slope of Tianshan Mountains since the Late Glacier
The late glacial epoch in the area witnessed a cold-slightly dry or cool-slightly dry climate and repeated cold-warm climatic oscillations .
The climatic evolution since the late glacial epoch in the Zoig ê area reflected by sporopollen records may be well correlated with the global climate change .
The wet condition of southwestern China occurred clearly in late-Glacial , which is earlier than in southeastern China , suggesting that a balance occurred between these two monsoon systems .
The Sahara is known to have had a humid climate during the last glacial stage of the pleistocene epoch . ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATIC CHANGES IN THE INTERIOR OF TAKLIMAKAN DESERT SINCE LATE GLACIAL AGE
The climate features of post Dali glacial epoch of Ningbo Formation , Beilun harbour area
The study of the glacial interglacial paleoproductivity evolution during late Quaternary in the bay of Bengal
At this time the earth entered late Dali ice age , so the climate changed drier and colder , and sea level continued to decrease . So the shelf of south yellow sea was exposed and formed continental sedimentary .
The extension of sea ice during glacial periods was linked with the climate over North American continent , revealing the responses of sea ice extension in the Bering Sea to global climate change during late Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles .
Binding the features of other sediments , authors presume that the loess accumulated in middle and late Pleistocene , and formed modern state in interglacial due to alternate actions of water and wind . The type of the loess formation is sand dune .
Accordingly , an idea is proposed by authors that the Taiwan Strait in Late Wurm glaciation be - longs to the shallow sea sedimentary environment with a water depth of 30 - 50m .
South China Sea Level at Interglacial Stage in Late Pleistocene Epoch
Early Cenozoic is the last green-house climate in geological history .
Sedimentary environment of the Taiwan Strait during Late Wurm glaciation
According to the authors'new idea , 4 glacier activities in Neoproterozoic Era can be subdivided into four glacial stages and three interglacial stages .
The sorting of the sediment was hard in the three drilling because of the strong hydrodynamic effect . ( 3 ) The 14C dating data showed that the newest sediment layer was formed about 17522 ± 53 years ago and it was belonging to the late Pleistocene glacial deposition .