
  • 网络hydraulic coal mining
  1. 跨世纪我国水采技术的发展

    Development of China 's Trans-century Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology

  2. 我国水采生产技术发展现状及今后工作意见

    State-of-the-Art of China 's Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology and Comments on the Future Work

  3. 简单介绍了水采船GPS全球定位系统的组成及工作原理,以及利用GPS全球定位系统对生产所起的作用。

    Composition and principle of GPS and its role in production are introduced .

  4. 它以5m间隔的91mm小直径钻孔进行水采。

    It is also a hydraulic method with 91 mm of drillholes laid at an interval of 5 meters .

  5. 经济型水采工艺系统研究及取得的效益

    A Study of the Economy Hydromining System and Economic Benefit Gained

  6. 水采硝液相分离技术

    Liquid - phase separation technique of the aqueous solution mining mirabilite

  7. 论水采矿山的矿石采收率与开采损失

    Talk about the Recovery and Loss of Rock Salt in Solution Mining

  8. 完善巷道系统解决水采面通风问题

    Solving ventilation at hydraulic mining face by improving road system

  9. 发展水力采煤技术,建设高产高效水采矿井

    Develop Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology and Construct High-output High-efficiency Hydromines

  10. 聚合物控水采气原理及方法

    The principle and methods of polymer control water gas production

  11. 水采船自动化控制系统的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Automated Control System of Mining Vessel

  12. 煤巷锚杆支护在水采矿井中的应用

    Application of Rock Bolting in Roadway of Hydro-mechanized Mines

  13. 水采矿井煤层自燃发火特征及防治技术

    Characteristics of Spontaneous Combustion of Coal Seams Worked with Hydraulic Method and Countermeasures

  14. 煤层的水采工艺评价及其优化决策研究

    Study on evaluation of hydraulic coal mining technology and its optimum decision making

  15. 高效射流技术与小型水采模式

    High efficient Jet Technology and Small-scale Hydromining Mode

  16. 水采通风与安全问题

    Ventilation and Safety Problems in Hydraulic Coal Mines

  17. 盐矿水采卤除铁技术的研究

    Study on Iron Removal From Salt Mine Brine

  18. 区域化水采工艺及设备的研究

    Study of Regionalized hydromining Technology and Process Equipment

  19. 利用尾巷技术解决水采工作面瓦斯的研究

    Soved gas emission problem existed in hydraulic mining face by using tailing way technology

  20. 文中所涉及的问题包括:(1)水采煤层开采强度的基本表达方式及主要参数组成;

    The basic expression and composition of principal parameters for mining intensity in hydraulic coal mining ;

  21. 并在此基础上提出今后采用经济型水采工艺、节能降耗、发展高档水采的努力方向。

    Efforts are being made towards the development of district-based economy mining system for saving energy .

  22. 水采工作面的通风已成为制约水采生产能力提高的主要问题。

    Ventilation of hydraulic mining face is the main problem restricting the increase of productivity of hydromining .

  23. 水采工作面一通三防的特点和管理方法

    Characteristics of Ventilation and Gas , Fire and Coal Dust Control at Hydromining Face and Management Methods

  24. 采区分级脱水水采生产工艺系统在鹤壁四矿的应用

    Application of Sized Coal Dewatering System in Mining District at NO. 4 Coal Mine , Hebi Mining Administration

  25. 新世纪我国水采技术发展趋势及今后攻关重点

    Developing Trend of China 's Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology in the New Century and Key Research Programs in Future

  26. 我国水采技术发展现状与今后攻关重点

    Present Status of the Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology in China and Major Problems Calling for Tackling in the Future

  27. 水采浓煤浆床层过滤方式及机理的试验研究

    Experimental study on technique and mechanism of bed filtration for recovery of dense coal slurry produced in hydraulic coal mine

  28. 这可以追溯到上百年之前,那时,我们的祖先便开始在炎竹汶府(地名,盛产红宝石和热带水采)和北碧府(地名,位于泰国西部)开采红蓝宝石。

    starting hundreds of years ago when our ancestors mined rubies and sapphires in areas such as Chantaburi and Kanchanaburi .

  29. 对有关水采生产系统技术问题的攻关和所需装备新一轮的研制开发等进行了论述。

    The paper outlines the kdy technical programs related to this mining system for tack-ling , and development work on the equipment required .

  30. 文中对提高水采矿井采出率所带来的经济效益做了较为详细的分析。

    The paper presents a detailed analysis of the economic benefit that can be obtained as a result of increase of extraction rate .