
  1. 晋江河口水域中COD自净特征及其成因分析

    Analysis of characters of COD self-purification and its cause in Jinjiang Estuary

  2. 出自:J。M。巴里,晋江翻译公司彼得潘的作者。

    Said by : J.M.Barrie , author of Peter Pan .

  3. 基于DEM流域河网水系提取研究&以晋江流域为例

    Study on the Extraction of Drainage Network of Watershed Based on DEM & A Case Study of Jinjiang Watershed

  4. 运用SWAT模型对晋江西溪流域的非点源污染进行了研究。

    The SWAT model was applied to stimulating the transport of nitrogen and phosphorous in Xixi watershed within the Jinjiang River Basin .

  5. 优而达机械有限公司属晋江市高新技术民营企业,信誉等级为AAA级,已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。

    The company is a high-tech Jinjiang City of private enterprises , credit rating of AAA , which has passed ISO9001 international quality system certification .

  6. 七匹狼是一家在深圳上市的晋江公司,《21世纪经济报道》(21stcenturybusinessherald)曾援引该公司董事长周少雄的话称,他的公司先是模仿外国品牌,接着学会了如何自我创新。

    Zhou Shaoxiong , chairman of Septwolves , a Jinjiang company listed on the Shenzhen stockmarket , is quoted by the 21st Century Business Herald as saying that his company first imitated foreign brands , then learned how to innovate itself .

  7. 利用连续11a的水质监测资料和其它有关的监测、调查资料,研究晋江河口水域中COD的短期和长期自净特征。

    Base on the monitoring data for 11 years , including other the concerning information and study on COD of the short-term and Long-term self-purified character in Jinjang estuary was done .

  8. 泉州晋江大桥引桥40m连续箱梁,具有混凝土梁较重、结构较刚、联长较大、各墩刚度变化较大的结构特点。

    The 40-m span continuous box girder used for the approach spans of Jinjiang River Bridge in Quanzhou is characterized by fairly heavy concrete girder , great structure rigidity , long continuous unit and considerable rigidity variations of the girder piers .

  9. 福建晋江科任(KR)老红砂分布区地处我国东南沿海,属于东亚季风影响的典型区域,较好的记录了东亚季风控制区古气候演变过程。

    The distribution area of KR " old red sand " of Jinjiang in Fujian locating in the southeast coast of China is the typical region strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon which can nicely record the paleoclimate evolutionary process of the East Asian monsoon .

  10. 跨流域引水工程对晋江水环境容量的贡献

    Contribution of Interbasin Diversion Works to Water Environmental Capacity of Quanzhou

  11. 浅析晋江模式的发展轨迹及其现实价值

    The Development of " Jinjiang Mode " and Its Practical Value

  12. 福建晋江地震地质灾害分区

    Zoning of geological disasters in Jinjiang , Fujian , earthquake

  13. 晋江市住房公积金管理研究

    The Study of the Housing Public Accumulation Fund Management in Jinjiang City

  14. 气象条件对晋江城市空气质量的影响

    Effects of meteorological conditions on air quality in Jinjiang , Fujian province

  15. 新华社继续报导,厦门,晋江也取消发出航班。

    Xiamen and Jinjiang cities also cancelled outbound flights , Xinhua said .

  16. 晋江市规划区地下水调查初探

    Preliminary Exploration of Underground Water Investigation in Project Region of Jinjiang city

  17. 泉州晋江大桥引桥隔震设计

    Seismic Isolation Design of Approach Spans of Jinjiang River Bridge in Quanzhou

  18. 运用排污权交易改善晋江市垃圾治理现状

    Improving the Administration of Garbage in Jinjiang by Emission Trading

  19. 海峡西岸经济区的晋江模式

    Straits West Bank Jinjiang Mode of Economic Zone Chinese

  20. 浅析晋江鞋业的品牌战略保护

    Primary analysis on protecting shoes ′ brand of Jinjiang

  21. 中小企业集群与晋江经济增长分析

    Clustering of Small and Medium Enterprises and Analysis of Economic Growth in Jinjiang

  22. 晋江体育用品制造业比较优势分析与启示

    Enlightenment and Analysis of the Comparative Advantage of Jinjiang Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry

  23. 射水法造墙技术在晋江防洪堤工程中的应用

    Application of Wall-constructing Technique by Water-spraying Method in Jingjiang Flood Control Levee Project

  24. 晋江市某工程预应力管桩复合地基设计

    Design of Prestressed Pipe Pile Composite Foundation of a Project in Jinjiang City

  25. 蔡荣星是晋江市的一名村委主任。

    Cai Rongxing - village committee director in Jinjiang .

  26. 区域经济竞争力研究&以晋江市为例

    Study on the regional economies competitiveness & such as the city of Jinjiang

  27. 九十九溪晋江段水环境状况分析评价

    Analysis and Assessment of Water Quality for Jinjiang Section of the Ninety-Ninth Stream

  28. 晋江电力大厦设备安装工程创鲁班奖经验探讨

    Probe into the Experience of Jinjiang Power Mansion Installation Project Winning Luban Award

  29. 我们拥有两个标准化工厂分别位于晋江市与莆田市。

    We have two plants that are located in Jinjiang and Putian City .

  30. 晋江产业集群的物流运作模式探讨

    Discussion on Logistics Operation Mode in Jinjiang Industry Cluster