
zhòu fú yè chū
  • hide by day and come out by night;hide in the daytime and come out at night
昼伏夜出[zhòu fú yè chū]
  1. 我是个昼伏夜出打击犯罪的义务警员也是个重金属说唱音乐发烧友

    I 'm a nightstalking crimefighting vigilante and a heavy metal rapping machine

  2. 美国的研究人员进行了一项实验,他们让一种习惯昼伏夜出的小老鼠白天不睡觉,以此来研究它们大脑的活动情况。

    US researchers studied the brain activity of rats kept awake during the day-the time they would usually sleep .

  3. 习惯了黑白颠倒,昼伏夜出,像个幽灵游荡或者短暂停留。

    Accustomed to black and white reversed , nocturnal , like a wandering ghost , or a short stay .

  4. 大部分岛民只在特定季节才来岛上,而猫咪们则一年四季生活在这里,昼伏夜出。

    While most of the islands human residents are seasonal , the cats live there all year round . Most of them hide during the day and come out at night .

  5. 昼伏夜出的东西.猫头鹰和影子山猫…我不是指猫头鹰和影子山猫.你所说的东西…

    There 's things that sleep in the day And hunt at night . Owls and Shadowcats and-I 'm not talking about Owls and Shadowcats . The " things " you speak of -

  6. 水泥池养殖的杂交鲟具有昼伏夜出习性,深水网箱养殖的杂交鲟流急时在网箱底部活动、流缓时到水层中游动;

    The hybrid sturgeon in cement pool had the habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night , while that in deep water cage stayed at the base in riptide and swam in slack tide .

  7. 最后她们总算登岸了,后来又在陆地上走了很远,昼伏夜出以免被人发现,白天就在树上睡觉。

    At last they reached shore . They then travelled a great distance across land , moving only by night so that no one would see them , and sleeping through the day in the tops of trees .

  8. 马尾松毛虫在福建一年发生2-3代,其1龄和2龄幼虫群集取食,成虫昼伏夜出,以2l:00-23:00时活动最盛,趋光性强,雌蛾产卵量平均为193粒。

    Dendrolimus punctatus has 2-3 generations a year in Fujian , 1 and 2 instar larvae takes food in groups , imago is active in the day and keeps quiet at night and the active peak time is 21:00 to 23:00 , and imago has a high phototaxy .