
chūn gōng
  • the crown prince's palace;living quarters of the crown prince;pornographic picture
春宫 [chūn gōng]
  • (1) [living quarters of the crown prince]∶古时太子居住的宫室;也借指太子

  • (2) [pornographic picture]∶描绘男女交合的淫秽图画

春宫[chūn gōng]
  1. (Nymphomaniac)因展示大量活春宫图片而被誉为艺术影片,其演员阵容超豪华——夏洛特•甘斯布(CharlotteGainsbourg)、希安•拉博夫(ShiaLaBeouf)以及乌玛•瑟曼(UmaThurman)等明星云集。

    Lars von Trier 's latest film , Nymphomaniac , is touted as an art house film with graphic unsimulated sex scenes , and boasts an all-star cast including Charlotte Gainsbourg , Shia LaBeouf , and Uma Thurman .