- 名galactic nucleus;nucleus of galaxy

Active Galactic Nucleus ( AGNs ) have been an important branch and one of the most active frontiers in the field of modern astrophysics .
The active galactic nucleus divides into QSO , Seyfert galaxies , radio galaxy , Blazar , Liner and so on .
Discovery of X-ray Selected AGNs , a White Dwarf and a Cataclysmic Variable
Cosmic X-Ray Background Radiation and Active Galactic Nuclei
The broad band energy distribution of the AGNs in the authors ' sample is shown .
This highlights the critical importance of high-resolution observations at high X-ray energies in locating binary AGN .
Variability is a common phenomenon in AGN and is observed over wide range from radio to X-ray .
We get reasonable light curves in B and V bands and find a positive correlation between variability and spectral slope .
Iron K α and K β Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei ( AGNs ) - Evidence of the Existence of the Cerenkov Line-Like Radiation
This is because a lot of quasi-periodic variations in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei are believed to be related to the instabilities of the disk .
Chapter III is about the correlation studies between radio luminosity and X-ray luminosity of GRBs , and whether the relationship can be extended to the sun , cool stars and active galactic nuclei .
EGRET has detected 66 AGN with high reliability .
VLBI Observations of EGRET-detected AGNs
Radio images of egret detected Agn
Our results show that the Gev Gamma-ray emissions of AGNs can be used as cosmological standard candles indeed .
Big Blue Bump in Seyfert Nuclei
The structural variations and superluminal motion within some QSSs and AGNs are considered as one of the most important astrophysical phenomena revealed by VLBI .
The Broad-line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei (ⅰ)
According to the simplified unification model of active galactic nuclei ( AGN ), assuming that the gas in the NLR is spherically distributed , V-shape morphology ( ionization cone ) is expected to be observed in Seyfert 2 galaxy .
Optical variability is a common property of AGNs , Which provides a potentially powerful tool to probe the physics of AGNs .
Quasars is one category of active galactic nuclei ( AGN ), which is can be detected in the most distance so far .
QPOs have been observed in BH binaries , intermediate mass BHs and active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) .
In this present paper , we focus on the radiative processes of AGN , especially blazar 's jets mostly discussed yet .
The optical spectra of these broad-lined active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) simultaneously show spectral signatures of massive intermediate-aged stellar populations making them good candidates for studying the connections between AGNs and their hosts .
This paper reports some recent progresses in the VLBI observation of the AGNs , specially those in the investigations about the central structure of the AGNs and the low luminosity AGNs .
In recent years , active galactic nuclei are very hot researching-fields in astrophysics . They are related to the most fundamental problems in astrophysics . The research of Active galactic nuclei is very important in many fundamental problems , such as producing-energy , radiant mechanism .
The dispersion relations of the relativistic plasma with fast electron distribution is significative to study the electromagnetic radiation of the galactic nucleus , the radio galaxy and the quasars . Second , the dispersion relation for electromagnetic oscillation in relativistic plasma with a modified kappa distribution is investigated .
Active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) with high-confidence level have been detected by EGRET identification . All these AGNs are the radio bright , with the dramatic peak of the luminosity spectra at γ - ray frequencies , rapid optical variability , and the high fraction of superluminal sources .
How did the second AGN remain hidden for so long ?
Quasi - periodical peaks in the redshift distribution of active galaxies