
míng huǎng huǎng
  • shining;gleaming
明晃晃 [míng huǎng huǎng]
  • [gleaming;shining] 光亮闪耀

  • 明晃晃的刺刀

明晃晃[míng huǎng huǎng]
  1. 酒醉的土匪虽然受惊醒来,可面对着三个充满仇恨的女人和明晃晃的宝刀,也变得慌乱不已了。

    Although the bandits woke up , they were so panic facing three angry women and shining blades .

  2. 夜晚的温度仍然很高,所以后面的窗户开着,可以看到月亮明晃晃地照在船尾掀起的浪花上。

    The stern window was open , for it was a warm night , and you could see the moon shining behind on the ship 's wake .

  3. 明晃晃的刀子在受害者的脖子上抖动。

    The bright death quivered at the victim 's throat .

  4. 阳光在明晃晃地照耀着,牛在地里吃着草。

    The sun was shining brightly and cattle were grazing in the field .

  5. 他们不用任何麻醉药拿一把明晃晃的刀子在姐姐脖子上割治。

    They performed an operation on Sister 's neck with a dazzling knife without using anesthetic .

  6. 那辆轿车明晃晃地停在一长排分别标有“不准停车”和“不准站立”字样的红牌子中间。

    It was parked , nakedly alone between a whole string of red no parking and no standing signs .

  7. 金黄色、明晃晃的太阳照了一整天。现在,天色渐渐晚了。

    The great bright yellow sun had shone all day , and now the day was coming to an end .

  8. 一把明晃晃的长尖刀在她手中挥舞着。我们也能像任何男人一样去杀人!

    A long sharp knife shone brightly in her hand . 'We can kill as well as any man ! '

  9. 可是,当他们向棺材里张望时,却惊讶地发现棺材里空荡荡的,只有一面明晃晃的镜子。

    However , when they approached the coffin and looking inside , they found nothing inside but a crystal mirror .

  10. 现在他突然不是透过玻璃,而是在明晃晃的白昼中看见画得很差劲的图片。

    Now he saw suddenly , without the glass , in the clear light of day , those badly daubed pictures .

  11. 尽管外面是明晃晃、热腾腾的黎明,城堡的这一角四壁无窗。

    Though it was a bright , hot dawn outside , there were no windows in this part of the castle .

  12. 正在那前后,在弗里谢蒙方面的高丘上,远远地出现了一线明晃晃的枪刺。

    It was at about that moment that a distant line of bayonets gleamed on the heights in the direction of Frischemont .

  13. 太阳明晃晃地照着,他的衣服又干了,新得的硬币在他口袋里发出令人愉悦的声音。

    The sun was shining brightly , his clothes were dry again , and the new coins made a pleasant sound in his pocket .

  14. 否则明年此时,他很可能看到自己的大名明晃晃地挂在历任总统名单上。

    Otherwise , in a year 's time he may well see his own name added to the rolls of those who have lost their job .

  15. 主席把口袋扯开,抓了满满一把明晃晃、黄灿灿的大块钱币,攥在手里摇一摇,再细细察看--

    The Chair ripped the sack wide , and gathered up a handful of bright , broad , yellow coins , shook them together , then examined them .

  16. 当斯克罗吉看到鬼火高高地明晃晃地照着时,他突然夺下灭火器,重重地放在了幽灵的头上。

    And Scrooge , noticing that the ghostly light was burning high and bright , suddenly took the extinguisher , and pushed it down hard on the spirit 's head .

  17. 整串明晃晃的香肠在空中翻转,跳起一支让人着迷的舞,接着渐渐放慢了速度,变得虚无缥缈,最后消失在闪着微光的夜色里。

    The whole brilliant string turned and span in a bewildering dance in the air and then gradually slowed , grew insubstantial and faded into the glistening darkness of the night .

  18. 这是把城里打造的好剑,剑柄镶着珠宝,熠熠发亮,月光在明晃晃的钢剑身上反射出璀璨光芒,无疑是新打造的。

    Jewels glittered in its hilt , and the moonlight ran down the shining steel . It was a splendid weapon , castle-forged , and new-made from the look of it .

  19. 小珠儿就象她刚才对宅瞪闪光的前脸大为高兴一样,此时对那明晃晃的盔甲也兴奋异常,她在擦得缀亮的护胸镜前照了好长时间。

    Little Pearl-who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour as she had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house-spent some time looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate .

  20. 她的翅膀从肩上一直拖到脚下,她的面孔是庄严而沉着,手中拿着一把明晃晃的剑。

    he had wings which reached from his shoulders to the earth ; his countenance was severe and grave ; and in his hand he held a sword , broad and glittering .

  21. 听着孩子们远去的笑声,我只好无可奈何地叹着气&望着明晃晃的池塘中又一群打着水仗的孩子,我心中再一次激动万分。

    Listen to children far away the laughter , I had to helplessly sigh spirit-looking from the pond and a group of under water wars child , my heart again got very excited .