
  • 网络mmpi;minnesota multiphasic personality inventory mmpi;MMPl
  1. 并初步评价了明尼苏达多相人格测验第二版(MMPI-2)对我国SD患者的诊断效果,为平战时SD的筛查和诊断提供依据。

    Diagnostic efficiency with MMPI-2 in patients with SD was also examined to provide usefiil information for the screening and diagnosis of SD during wartime or peacetime .

  2. 方法:用微机对17472名被试同时进行连续加法、语词辨析测验及明尼苏达多相人格测验(MMPI)测验。

    METHODS : 17472 subjects were simultaneously interviewed with continuous addition test , word discrimination test and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) by computer .

  3. 重大刑事嫌疑犯明尼苏达多相人格测验测试结果对照分析

    Control Analysis on Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test Result of Severe Criminal Suspects

  4. 白天进行明尼苏达多相人格测验量表测量,评估观察对象的疑病、抑郁、癔病、精神病态、性度、偏执、精神衰弱、精神分裂、轻躁狂、社会内向性共10个临床量表因子分。

    In the daytime , all the subjects were evaluated with Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory ( MMPI ), including 10 clinical factors of hypochondriasis , depression , hysteria , psychopathic deviate , masculinity-feminity , paranoia , psychasthenia , schizophrenia , hypomania and social introversion .