
Such additives as K-PHP and PAC-141 were added into this well , to control the pH value between 8 . 0 - 8 . 5 , this effectively stabilized the borehole , minimized bore shrinkage and bit balling ;
And the temperature descended again in Minghuazhen formation .
Evidently , the majority of the town of Sandstone reservoir is high porosity-in and permeability .
Drilling data confirms the highest part of the east for the cover of ordovician in above .
Movement of saline water in the aquifer of the Minghuazhen group in southern Liaohe lower river plain
The thermal reservoir includes sand-gravel aquifer of Guantao Formation and the bottom of Minghuazhen Formation of Neogene .
Study on drilling fluid for horizontal well to prevent formation damage in Minghuazhen formation , CB 243 block
The plane distribution of the shallow gas in this area is mainly controlled by structural setting and sedimentary facies .
Reactive illite / smectite mixed layer and more methylene blue capacity in the formation leads to swelling and sloughing .
The reservoir is mainly composed of the braided channel sedimentary sand in Guantao formation and meandering river sedimentary sand in Minghuazhen formation .
Guantao formation & lower Minghuazhen formation of the Neogene system in Jiyang depression can be classified into four and three subsequence sets respectively .
A shallow lake facies is developed in Neogene Minghuazhen and Guantao Formation , making Bozhong Sag the best area of Neogene reservoir seal combination in North China Basin ;
This study presents the REE geochemical characteristics of mudstones from Guantao Formation ( Ng ) and Minghuazhen Formation ( Nm ) of Neogene in Nanpu sag , Bohai Basin .
And there are 15 layers evaluated to be relatively favorable pay beds , including the 3rd layers in the 2nd and 3rd submembers of the lower member of Minghuazhen Formation ;
Minghuazhen mainly developed four types of cover layer : In pore cap layer , elastic-plastic break to cover layer , high porosity porous cover layer , plastic broken change cover layer .
Using the model , the bits in the formation of Bohai oilfield can be evaluated . 16 kinds of bit were optimized . After the on-site application , good economic benefit were obtained .
The oil of BZ 25 、 1 oil field is produced from Shahejie formation , belonging to waxy light oil , while the oil of BZ 25 、 1S oil field is produced from Minghuazhen formation , belonging to heavy oil .