
  1. 具有大量全局变量的JavaScript代码将会更难维护,只能期待您能选中正确的线程来在不同时间停止/启动。

    It would be harder to maintain code that has a bunch of global variables in the JavaScript code , hoping you pick the right thread to stop / start at various times .

  2. 你很害怕和困惑,是时间停止了。

    You 're scared and confused . it 's time to stop .

  3. 当你看到她的时候,你是否觉得时间停止了?

    When you see her , does time move in slow motion ?

  4. 我有告诉你它可以让时间停止吗?

    Did I tell you he could stop clocks ?

  5. 悲伤似乎让时间停止了。

    Grief seems to bring time to a halt .

  6. 然后看你要多长时间停止流血。

    Then I 'm gonna time how longit takes for you to stop bleeding .

  7. 如果有一个方法能使时间停止,那就是破坏钟塔。

    If there 's a way to stop time , then this is it .

  8. 仿佛时间停止了.

    It was as though time had stopped .

  9. 你已经听了这个表达“他的脸可以让时间停止”

    You 've heard the expression ," his face would stop a clock . "

  10. 介绍了焦炉长时间停止加热时的保温操作措施。

    Present state and development of computer control for coke oven battery heating process ;

  11. 通常脚踝受伤很快就会好的,只要你这段时间停止日常活动。

    Usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while .

  12. 我想让他在我的工作时间停止评价我或题太多要求。

    I want her to stop criticizing me and making too many demands on my time .

  13. 只要知道什么时间停止最好要同自己交谈一番。

    It 's OK to talk about yourself as long as you know when to stop .

  14. 家庭收入开始停滞的同时,每周工作时间停止缩短。

    Household incomes started to stagnate at the same time as the work week stopped shrinking .

  15. 我们不能让时间停止。

    We cannot halt time .

  16. 后来,在美国定居的英国殖民者由于缺少时间停止了这项传统。

    The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time .

  17. 学院保留在课程开始后任意时间停止继续提供课程的权力。

    15The Institute reserves the right to cease provision of a course at any time after it starts .

  18. 如果进程指示器长时间停止,并且硬盘没有响应,请重新启动计算机。

    If the progress indicator stops for a long time and there is no disk activity , please restart your computer .

  19. ⑶在较长时间停止割胶(如冬季停割)时形成防卫结构创伤周皮。

    And wound periderm formed after long period rest of tapping , such as in the rest period of tapping in winter .

  20. 由于这只是一个估计,因此未必能在指定时间停止,但是尽可能接近指定的时间。

    Since it is an estimate , it might not necessary stop at the specified time but is as close as possible .

  21. 朱莉娅:如果我跑得像光速那样快的话,你认为我会使时间停止吗?

    Julia : If I ran as fast as the speed of light , do you think that I could stop time ?

  22. 像往常一样,我还是要有时间停止脚步,探究我们的路线。

    As usual , we still took time to stop frequently or take side trips to explore various areas along our route .

  23. 任何一种活动,无论它可能是什么,当它在它恰当的时间停止时,它并非遭受到不幸,因为它已停止了;

    Any one activity whatever it may be , when it has ceased at its proper time , suffers no evil because it has ceased ;

  24. 如果这些工厂已停止生产、存放这些类型的原料,那么是什么时间停止的。

    If the facility has discontinued processing or storing this type of material , what date did it stop the processing or storing in the facility ?

  25. 这让我们与其他世界各地的采石场占有优势,有些采石场因为冬天天气等因素的影响造成生产的拖延甚至长时间停止生产。

    It is in contrast with many other quarries throughout the world where cold winters delay and in some cases completely stop their production for long periods of time .

  26. 在幸福的爱情国度里,你就是我的唯一,哦,我相信我们会在同一个时间停止呼吸。

    In the happy kingdom of love , you are my one and only , Oh , I believe You and I will stop breathing at the same time .

  27. 针对两个高铅暴露工厂,因年假停工,藉此了解短时间停止作业,对员工血铅的影响。

    At two high lead-exposure factories , the Chinese New Year break provided a chance to investigate the effect of such short breaks on the workers ' blood lead levels .

  28. 我能换个方式来表达:在清凉的爱的瞬间,你感觉时间停止了;没有运动一切都停止了。

    I can say it in another way : in the moments of cool love , you feel time has stopped ; there is no movement & everything has stopped .

  29. 休息,休息,休息,永远休息在长满青苔的岸上;休息,在心中休息直到时间停止:不会有黎明破黑夜;不会有痛苦惊梦境,直到喜悦压倒她完美的宁静。

    Rest , rest , for evermore Upon a mossy shore ; Rest , rest at the heart 's core Till time shall cease : Sleep that no pain shall wake ; Night that no morn shall break Till joy shall overtake Her perfect peace .

  30. 人们说,当你遇到一生所爱,时间会停止。这是真的。

    Ed : They say when you meet the love of your life , time stops , and that 's true .