
  • 网络AS Time Goes By;Changing times
  1. 时光流转,江川还是那么美丽、文明。

    This time around , Jiangchuan or so beautiful , and civilized .

  2. 但是,随着时光流转,爱的成分会有所改变。

    But love will change its composition with the passage of time .

  3. 在2000多年的时光流转中,它们或被盗掘,或默守自己的秘密,静等着考古学家的发现。

    In 2000 years , some of them were resurrected while others kept their secret .

  4. 享受无所事事的快乐,用心体会时光流转和世界的美。

    Enjoy doing nothing but enjoying the passage of time and the beauty of the world .

  5. 随着时光流转,地方在变,连记忆本身也会搞出古怪的花样。

    Times change and places change with them , and the memory itself plays some strange tricks .

  6. 那些时光流转的日子,有一个暖和的名字若如初见。

    The time the day of circulation , have a warm name first sight of the odds .

  7. 时光流转,不要告诉我婚姻是好事,而自由更重要。我愿意为你做任何事。

    Days go by , don 't tell me marriage is good and freedom is better . I 'll walk the wire for you .

  8. 每一年的今天,都是一个全新的开始,任世事变幻,时光流转幸福、平安、快乐、健康永远伴随你左右!

    Every year , today , is a fresh start , he was the world changes , the circulation time of happiness , peace , happiness , health Forever with you around !

  9. 每年,丈夫送她花时,都要写下这样一些话:“我爱你,今朝更胜往昔。”“时光流转,我对你的爱历久弥新。”她知道,这是她最后一次收到丈夫的玫瑰花了。

    Each year he sent her roses , and the note would always say , " I love you even more this year than last year on this day . " " My love for you will always grow , with every passing year . " She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear .

  10. 我对你的爱像时光的流转永不停歇。

    Like time my love for you goes on and on .