
  • 网络the japanese archipelago
  1. 日本群岛蜉蝣区系相对独特,这可能是由于它长期与大陆分离而造成的。

    Compared with other places in Northeast Asia , the mayfly fauna of the Japanese archipelago on the specific composition represents some unique , it may due to long-term isolation .

  2. 2009年8月9日日本伊豆群岛地震矩张量解

    Quick moment tensor solution of the August 9 , 2009 Izu Islands , Japan earthquake

  3. 然后再绕经日本琉球群岛,再往东南方绕经太平洋。

    It will then cross Japan 's Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean .

  4. 除了科学家们的苦苦搜寻之外,一些独立社团意外发现了答案:生活在日本远洋冲绳群岛、加州小镇LomaLinda和撒丁尼亚(意大利,地中海)的人们是世界上最长寿的。

    On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa , In the Californian town of Loma Linda and in the mountains of Sardinia people live longer than anywhere else on earth .

  5. 日本及千岛群岛特大地震的活动规律

    Activity Regularity of large earthquake in Japan and the Kuril Islands

  6. 日本在菲律宾群岛的北面。

    Japan lies to the north of Philippines .

  7. 一个居住在日本西南琉球群岛的日本民族成员。

    A member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands SW of Japan .

  8. 他看到并非日本而是英国群岛。

    It wasn 't Japan he was looking at , it was the British Isles .

  9. 而纵观二战以来日本攫取琉球群岛的全过程,其合法性需要重估。

    Looking at the the entire process of which Japan seized Ryukyu Islands , its legitimacy is debatable .

  10. 1942年8月:美海军陆战队的办法二战期间在日本占领所罗门群岛瓜达尔卡纳尔岛。

    Aug.1942 : US Marines approach the Japanese occupied Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands during World War II .

  11. 西印度群岛上的本地人或居民。一个居住在日本西南琉球群岛的日本民族成员。

    A native or inhabitant of the West Indies . a member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands SW of Japan .

  12. 在某些中国人看来,这段历史足以证明日本对冲绳群岛的控制缺乏合法性。冲绳群岛具有重要的战略地位,被视为中国海军在太平洋地区扩张势力的最大障碍。

    For some in China , this history is enough to render illegitimate Japanese rule over a strategically important archipelago seen as the biggest impediment to the expansion of Chinese naval power in the Pacific .

  13. 1972年,美国将该群岛又交回日本,该群岛不仅拥有重要的自然资源,还是日本和中国国民自豪的来源。

    China does not recognize the nineteen fifty-one Treaty of San Francisco , under which Japan transferred control of the islands to the United States . In nineteen seventy-two , the United States transferred the islands back to Japan . They represent not only important natural resources , but also a source of national pride in both Japan and China .

  14. 中国和日本(包括琉球群岛)是海区相连之海上邻国。

    China and Japan ( including Ryukyu Islands ) are neighboring countries , connected on the sea .

  15. 今天活动人士和渔民的行为被认为是日本宣称对该群岛的权力。

    Today 's visit by activists and fishermen was designed to assert Japanese authority over the islands .

  16. 日本是一个群岛国家,位于亚欧大陆外缘地区,第一岛链的最北部。

    Japan is a island country , located in the Eurasia outer area and the first island chain of the northern .

  17. 片中主角是长着漂亮的大耳朵的蓝色外星人和他的日本玩伴华子,后者住在日本南部冲绳群岛中的一个虚构小岛上。

    It stars the perky-eared blue alien and his Japanese playmate , Hanako , a resident of an imaginary island in the southern island chain of Okinawa .

  18. 2010年12月22日日本气象厅宣布,22号凌晨位于太平洋的日本小笠原群岛附近海域发生里氏7.4级地震,目前已发布了海啸警报。

    2010-12-22 An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of7.4 jolted Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific early Wednesday , said the Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA ), which issued a tsunami warning .

  19. 在此期间,日本政府有意用虚伪的声明和表示继续保持和平的愿望欺骗美国。日本昨天对夏威夷群岛的袭击,

    During the intervening time , the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace . The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands