
  1. 定量分析证明指数的日收盘价和日成交量之间存在均衡关系,收盘价是成交量的Granger原因。

    Quantitative analysis results show that Equilibrium relationship exist between price and volume and price Granger Cause volume .

  2. 最后,对恒生指数日收盘价时间序列进行相空间重构,对其关联维数以及Kolmogorov熵进行了计算。

    At last , we do the reconstruction of the phase space and compute its correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy .

  3. 方法是以中国股票市场上2000-2001年的原始股票数据为材料,选择几种具有代表性的股票日收盘价作为基础数据,代入Klaus得到的三个中心计算公式中。

    The technique we proposed is to take the original stock data on China stock market from year 2000 to 2001 as material , and select final data per day of several representational stocks as fundamental data , then put data into that three important formula .

  4. 在此次交易中,汇丰以每股19欧元的价格收购了amadeus5.28%的股份,这一价格较收购前一交易日收盘价折让1.8%,汇丰的竞争对手称这一折扣“太小”。

    In the deal HSBC placed 5.28 per cent of Amadeus shares at 19 A share , representing a 1.8 per cent discount to the closing price the day before , described as " very tight " by rivals .

  5. 比上一交易日收盘价上涨1.25美分。

    That 's one and a quarter cents up on the closing price yesterday .

  6. 以下是2011年《财富》美国500强中涨幅最大的十只股票(从第十名到第一名排列),以12月9日收盘价计算涨幅。

    Click through to see the top 10 Fortune 500 performers ( counting down from good to great ) , based on their closing prices as of Dec. 9 .

  7. 如无其它规定,待交收证券价值及待处分证券价值均按t日收盘价计算。

    Unless otherwise specified , the values of the securities to be settled and the values of the securities to be settled disposedshall be calculated subject to the closing price of t day .

  8. 引入托宾外汇交易税,并且以前250日收盘价的移动平均值作为下一个交易日的中间价,就可以放心地逐步扩大人民币汇率的浮动区间。

    Providing that Tobin transfer tax of foreign exchange is introduced and that the moving average value of choosing price of former 250 days is regarded as " middle price " of the next trade date , we can feel easy and expand gradually the band of RMB exchange rate .

  9. 并利用建立的BP神经网络模型,采用单隐层多输入单输出系统,预测股票市场第2个交易日的收盘价变化趋势。

    A BP network model with single hidden layer and single output is used to forecast the trend of the index of the coming day .

  10. 买家包括深圳上市的艾派克科技(ApexTechnology),以及香港上市的联想控股(LegendHoldings)旗下的风险投资部门,他们将支付36亿美元现金,相对于前一日的收盘价有17%的溢价。

    The buyers , including Shenzhen listed Apex Technology and a venture capital arm of Hong Kong listed Legend Holdings , will pay $ 3.6bn in cash , a 17 per cent premium to the previous close .

  11. 计算MACD首先要选定移动平均线的初值,一般以起始日的收盘价作为指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)的初值。

    Firstly select initial value of moving average to calculate MACD ; we generally consider the close of beginning date as the initial value of EMA .

  12. 台湾加权指数(TWI)攀升2.4%至6110.60点。台湾监管机构宣布,如果主要子板块指数成分股的交易价格低于上个交易日的收盘价,则禁止卖空。

    In Taiwan , the weighted index climbed 2.4 per cent to 6,110.60 , after regulators banned short selling of component stocks of the main local indices if they trade below the previous session 's closing price .

  13. 当日无成交的,以前一交易日的收盘价为当日收盘价。

    Where there is no daily trading , the closing price shall be the closing price of the day before .

  14. 2010年,这家公司上市时的股价为17美元。此后,特斯拉股价大幅飙升,本周二(5月27日)收盘价高于211美元。

    The company 's shares , which closed above $ 211 on Tuesday , have soared since it went public at $ 17 in 2010 .

  15. 下面就让我们按跌幅从小到大,盘点一下2011年十大烂股(截至12月9日的收盘价)。

    Click through to see which Fortune 500 companies suffered the biggest losses ( counting down from bad to worst ) , based on their performances as of the close on Dec. 9 .

  16. 在形势不确定的情况下,电讯盈科股票在聆讯之前停牌,停牌前最后一个交易日的收盘价为3.99港元,较收购出价有11%的折价。

    Amid the uncertainty PCCW 's shares , which were suspended from trading ahead of the hearing , last closed at HK $ 3.99 – an 11 per cent discount to the offer price .

  17. 按照交易条款,高盛将按照10月1日前10个交易日的收盘价平均值与权证执行价每股115美元之差,乘以权证代表的4350万股,给予伯克希尔等值股票。

    Under the terms of the deal , Goldman will give Berkshire stock equal to the difference between the average closing price over the 10 trading days preceding October 1 and the exercise price of $ 115 , multiplied by the 43.5m shares covered by the warrants .

  18. 但最终,这位新西兰人知道,评判他成败的依据将只有一件事:苏格兰皇家银行的股价是否达到500便士(该行3月27日的收盘价是343便士),即英国政府可以开始获利卖出其持有的81%的股份。

    But ultimately , the New Zealander knows he will be judged on only one thing : whether the bank 's share price - which closed at 384p last Friday - hits the 500p level at which the government can start selling its 81 per cent stake at a profit .

  19. 基于5月14日天合光能的收盘价,美林作为发行承销商,将融资3.15亿美元。

    Based on trina 's closing priceon may14 , theoffering , which will be arranged by Merrill lynch , couldraise about $ 315 million pre-shoe .

  20. 分析师估计,美国银行在增持股权时,将以每股2.80港元的价格购入建行的香港上市股票,较其18日3.88港元的收盘价有28%的折让。

    Analysts estimate BofA will pay about HK $ 2.80 per Hong Kong-listed share to raise its stake in CCB , a discount of 28 per cent from CCB 's closing price yesterday of HK $ 3.88 in Hong Kong .

  21. 对1995-2000年数据的研究结果表明,股价变动与股利比的均值小于1,得出除息日股价相对于股权登记日收盘价下跌幅度小于每股现金股利。

    Studying the relationship between dividends and stock price movements during 1995 to 2000 , we find the average of the ex-dividend day price ratio is less than one .

  22. 上述认购价格是基于8月28日之前30个交易日的收盘价均值得出的。

    Prices have been based on the average over the 30 trading days before August 28 .