
rì jiān
  • in the daytime;daytime;during the day
日间 [rì jiān]
  • [in the daytime;during the day] 白昼

日间[rì jiān]
  1. 为什么日间气温会上升?

    What causes the air temperature to rise in the daytime ?

  2. 日间飞越水域时使用的。

    Employed when flying overwater in the daytime .

  3. 请提供姓名和日间联络电话。

    Please give your name and daytime phone number .

  4. 这个公园日间开放。

    The park is open during daytime .

  5. 日间天气寒冷,狂风呼啸。

    The day was cold and blustery .

  6. 请留一个日间的电话号码。

    Please give a daytime telephone number

  7. 日间的高温使葡萄中糖的含量增加了。

    High day temperatures increase the sugar content of the grapes .

  8. 学生们将继续在他们的日间学校学习。

    Students will remain on the roll at their day school .

  9. 根据发表在《医药食品杂志》上的研究,夜间产出的牛奶中褪黑素含量是日间的10倍,喝下它的人会变得不那么活跃,也不大焦虑,而和日间牛奶的人则相反。

    Those given night milk , which had 10 times the amount of melatonin , were less active and less worried than those fed with the milk collected during daytime , according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food .

  10. 随着日本的人口危机加深,自2010年以来,日本日间陪护所的数量已经翻了一番,至约4万家。

    As Japan 's demographic crisis has deepened , the number of daycare facilities has doubled since 2010 to about 40000 .

  11. 飞蛾的运输网络不仅比日间传粉昆虫的网络更大、更复杂,而且还能帮助蜜蜂和蝴蝶很少光顾的物种进行授粉。

    Not only are their distribution networks larger and more complex than daytime pollinators , the moths help pollinate species rarely visited by bees and butterflies .

  12. 到去年年末全国总体养老床位,包括机构和社区日间照料中心,已经达到了669万张,实现了“十二五”规划预定目标,每1000名老年人拥有的床位数30.2张。

    The number of beds in nursing institutions and community day-care centers nationwide has reached 6.69 million , realizing the target set in the 12th Five-Year Plan ( 2011-2015 ) . The average number of nursing beds for per 1000 seniors is 30.2 .

  13. 我们尚未确定,如果这些实际上是LED日间运行灯。

    We aren 't yet sure if these are in fact LED daytime running lights .

  14. LED日间行车灯和双氙大灯将标准的所有新机型,以及发光的尾巴和刹车灯。

    LED daytime driving lights and bi-xenon headlights will be standard on all new models , as well as LED tail and brake lights .

  15. 本研究旨在了解COPD患者睡眠低氧的相关因素,寻找预测睡眠低氧的日间观测指标,筛选出夜间低氧的高危人群。

    This study was to identify factors which might predict nocturnal desaturation in COPD patients .

  16. 基于规则的MODIS数据日间云检测与比较分析

    Comparison and Daytime Cloud Detection from MODIS Data Using a Threshold Rule Based Approach

  17. 日内和日间RSD分别小于5%和8%。

    The within-day and between-day RSD were less than 5 % and 8 % , respectively .

  18. 日内、日间变异(RSD)均小于10%。

    The RSD value of within - day and between - day were less than 10 % .

  19. 将所有患者行日间的肺功能检测(脉冲振荡法IOS),检测通气功能及气道阻抗等多个参数。

    All patients with snoring and sleep apnea were evaluated pulmonary function used impulse Oscillation technique ( IOS ) .

  20. 方法精密度好,6种醇的日间RSD、日内RSD均小于6%,本法简单快速,结果准确,适用于临床醇中毒及工业生产配制作业人员体内醇浓度的监测研究。

    The simple , rapid and accurate method developed in the study can be used for clinical monitoring of alcohols exposure .

  21. 各杂质峰面积的日内最大RSD为17.0%,日间最大RSD为26.8%;

    The values of intra-day and inter-day RSD of peak area were less than 17.0 % and 26 . 8 % respectively .

  22. 白质稀疏症患者的24小时、日间、夜间血压较正常人明显升高(p<0.05),且波动大(p<0.05)。

    Blood pressure in 24-hour , diurnal and nocturnal periods were higher in patients with LA than normal tensive persons ( p < 0 . 05 ) . The BP variability of former was larger ( p < 0.05 ) .

  23. 日间CRRT对慢性肾衰竭合并心力衰竭病人的疗效观察

    Observation on curative effect of daytime CRRT for chronic renal failure patients complicated with heart failure

  24. 结果服药3个月后24h及日间收缩压变异性、舒张压变异性、夜间收缩压变异性、24h及日间平均压变异性明显降低(P<0.05);

    Results The systolic blood pressure variability , diastolic blood pressure variability and mean blood pressure variability were reduced than before ( P < 0.05 );

  25. 餐厅夜间PAHs浓度高于日间浓度,夜间多环芳烃主要为日间的残留。

    In canteen , PAHs concentrations higher than the concentration in the day , and at night the night PAHs are mainly residual during the day .

  26. 日间行车灯(DRL)(20安培)

    Daytime Running Lamps ( DRL ) ( 20 Amp )

  27. 文章运用1998年1月1日~2003年12月31日间中国沪深两市IPO公司财务数据试图第一次较为全面地检验市场择时理论在中国的适用性。

    This paper uses the financial data of IPO listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets between 1998 and 2003 to examine the suitability of this new theory in China .

  28. 日间CRRT和IHD的治疗重症患者的临床观察比较

    A Comparison on Clinic Efficacy of Daytime Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy and Intermittent Hemodialysis in Critically Ill Patients

  29. RLS患者的睡眠较差,主要表现在主观睡眠质量、睡眠时间、习惯睡眠效应、日间功能等方面。

    Poor sleep quality was found in RLS patients , mainly in subjective sleep quality , sleep duration , habitual sleep efficiency and daytime dysfunction .

  30. 结果综合比较日内回收率、日间回收率、Q-T方程和透皮速率常数,均以生理盐水-乙醇(7∶3,v∶v)为最佳。

    Results : The comparison of the inter-day and intra-day recoveries , Q-T equation and transdermal speed constant showed that saline-alcohol ( 7 ∶ 3 ) was the best for the study .