
  • 网络Japanese Style
  1. 东方插花风格中可细分为日式风格和中式风格。

    Amongst which the oriental style can be subdivided into Japanese style and Chinese style .

  2. 我们不一定要学日本设计师的现代风格,把他们一些日式风格贯入现代建筑。

    We need not have to learn from the Japanese designers modern ideas to modernise Japanese style .

  3. 灵剑山由中日两家企业合作制作,人物外貌沿袭了日式风格,于2016年1月在两国同步播放。

    Bearing a strong resemblance to Japanese animation , the series was adapted by two companies from China and Japan and was also broadcast in both countries from January 2016 .

  4. 他们走不同路线,前者比较趋向日式风格,后者比较趋向于中国式风格,不同类型的玩家对于不同的游戏有着不同的要求。

    They take different routes , the former is geared toward Japanese-style , which is geared toward the Chinese style , different types of players for different games have different requirements .

  5. 所有的狗狗都以日式风格来打扮,没有遵循我们习惯中见过的普通类型的标准式样和惯例。

    All the dogs have been groomed in a Japanese grooming style , which doesn 't follow the usual breed standard cuts and rules for grooming that we 're used to seeing .

  6. 现年51岁的帕克有一间令人想起另一种日式审美风格办公室。

    Mr Parker , 51 , has an office that recalls another Japanese aesthetic .

  7. 当欧洲现代设计先驱们发现日本风格具有他们所寻求的形态元素后,日式设计风格开始与世界接轨并为设计界所认可。

    When the European pioneers of modern design found the Japanese style possess the element what they pursued , Japanese style beginning brought in line with international .

  8. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .