
  • wireless router
  1. 无线路由器远程实时aging测试系统

    A Remote and Real-time System of Aging Test for Wireless Router

  2. 无线路由器aging测试的远程控制及实现

    Remote Control and Realization of Aging Test for Wireless Router

  3. 学生房内不允许有的物品包括:蜡烛、吊扇、烟火、水床、日光灯和无线路由器。

    Items that are not allowed in student rooms include : candles , ceiling fans , fireworks , waterbeds , sun lamps and wireless routers .

  4. 小车部分主要包括小车车身、DSP板及无线路由器。

    The car parts include car itself , DSP board and the wireless router .

  5. 在我们课题所涉及的无线路由器上,硬件只支持DiskOnChip与COMPACTFLASH两种设备。

    The mainboard of the Wireless Router in our project only supports the Disk On Chip and the Compact Flash as the on-board external storage device .

  6. 为了获得更快的上网速度,退休工程师鲍勃·麦康奈尔(BobMcConnell)今年在家里安装了一个新无线路由器。

    Bob McConnell , a retired engineer , set up a new wireless router in his home this year to get faster Internet speeds .

  7. 许多无线路由器在后台运行Linux已经不是什么秘密了,就像许多其他网络设备,如一些网络附加存储(Network-AttachedStorage,NAS)设备。

    It 's no secret that a lot of wireless routers run Linux under the hood , as do many other network appliances , such as some network-attached storage ( NAS ) devices .

  8. 阐述了Wi-Fi技术中所存在的问题和当前的解决办法,介绍了市场上常见的几种无线路由器,并对其各种技术参数和市场价格进行了对比和分析。

    Problems and current solutions of Wi-Fi are introduced in this paper . Some wireless rooters in the market are introduced and their technical parameters and market prices are analyzed and compared with each other .

  9. 然而,DD-WRT界面是非常出色的;它确实好于我所见过的任何由工厂提供的无线路由器界面。

    However , the DD-WRT interface is remarkable ; it is unequivocally better than any wireless router factory-provided interface that I 've seen .

  10. KfarKedem游乐园的经理戈德堡(MenachemGoldberg)决定为园中的每头驴配备一个无线路由器,与公共汽车上使用的类似。

    Kfar Kedem site manager Menachem Goldberg decided to equip each donkey with a wireless router , similar to the ones used on public buses . '

  11. 厄尔,给我无线路由器。

    Earl , I need to get the wireless router .

  12. 使用现有的无线路由器创建一个小型的无线网络非常简单。

    It 's simple to create a small , wireless network with an off-the-shelf wireless router .

  13. 利弊:谈谈你的黑色和蓝色纸体重恢复到工作的无线路由器。

    Pros : Turn your black and blue paper weight back into a working wireless router .

  14. 几天前,我把家里的路由器换成了一个新的无线路由器。

    Some days ago , I replaced my router with a new wireless router in my home .

  15. 整个系统由远程控制中心、无线路由器和智能控制终端节点组成。

    The system consists of a remote control center , wireless routers and intelligent terminal control nodes .

  16. 决定在家里的什么位置放置无线路由器来最大程度减少盲点是一门艺术。

    Deciding where to place a Wi-Fi router at home to minimise signal blackspots is a fine art .

  17. 不得在校园内安装任何未经批准的无线路由器或其它的数据接收设备。

    Any unauthorized wireless router or device for transmission or receiving of data is not permitted in campus WLAN .

  18. 话说你有一个家庭无线路由器,你已经认证要到一个合法的网站。

    Say you have a home wireless router that you had authenticated prior to going to a legitimate web site .

  19. 由于扩大覆盖范围可能比提高传输率更为重要,这样的结果让人有些失望,也许会让无线路由器所有者懒得升级。

    Since expanded range is likely to be more important than higher throughput , this is disappointing and might put wireless router owners off the upgrade .

  20. 尽管后面提到的这几款无线路由器产品也许还值得一试,不过任何有经验的网管都会奉劝你离前面提到的那两款流氓监控软件远一点为好。

    While its routers might be worth taking a punt on , its software , as any network admin who has had to work with IOS will tell you , is best given a wide berth .

  21. 决定在家里的什么位置放置无线路由器来最大程度减少盲点是一门艺术。近来,一位物理学家最近试图用算法来规划处路由器的最佳位置。

    Deciding where to place a Wi-Fi router at home to minimise signal blackspots is a fine art . But a physicist has attempted to tackle the problem by mathematically working out the optimum position for a router .

  22. 本文第二章首先阐明了无线路由器的工作原理和要解决的主要问题,然后提出了无线路由器的硬件结构和协议结构设计框架图,最后对各种无线局域网进行了介绍。

    In the second chapter , the principles and aims of the wireless router are explained , then the structure planning of the hardware and the protocol , and the introduction of varieties of wireless area networks in the end .

  23. 在安全无线Mesh路由器中实现了防火墙、MAC地址过滤、入侵检测、故障诊断、认证与授权等安全技术。

    Intrusion detection system , fault detection , authentication and authority are implemented in the wireless mesh router .

  24. WMNs由无线Mesh路由器和无线Mesh客户端组成。

    WMNs consist of mesh routers and mesh clients .

  25. 它的构架可以看作上层为无线Mesh路由器组成的网络和类似于自组织网络的下层网络。

    Its structure can be seen as the upper Mesh routers for wireless networking and similar self-organizing network under the network layer .

  26. 该系统可以通过网线接入无线WIFI路由器,实现了使用手机等移动智能终端或普通PC通过浏览器在线监测和控制温室环境的功能。

    After plugs into wireless WIFI router , the system can be accessed by using mobile phone and other mobile terminal or ordinary PC browsers , which can monitor and control greenhouse environment function online . 4 .

  27. 一般来讲,以太网硬件地址可识别一台计算机,允许路由器(如无线上网路由器)确定是否允许计算机准入网络。

    Normally , MAC addresses identify a computer to , for instance , a Wi-Fi router , allowing the router to decide if it should allow the computer to access the internet .

  28. 请把洒水器安装到位,然后在一台计算机或移动设备上为该系统设定程序,再将系统连上你家的无线网络路由器,它就可以接管你家花园里的工作了。

    Set the sprinkler in place , program the system on a computer or mobile device and connect it to your home 's Wi-Fi router , and the system takes over from there .

  29. 这是能提供无线网络的路由器。

    This is the router for the free wi-fi .

  30. 使用专门的无线设备&无线路由器构成具有用户无线接入、无线组网和路由功能的无线互连网络,为移动用户提供无线接入、路由和中继服务。

    WMSN uses wireless routers to construct network . It can provide wireless access , relay services to users .