
wú lèi
  • No tears;dry-eyed;alacrimia;adacrya
无泪[wú lèi]
  1. 孩子们沐浴时间的程序包括:泡泡浴、无泪配方的洗发露和塑料玩具鸭。

    The bath time routine – bubble bath , no-tear shampoo , plastic duck .

  2. 然而,切洋葱“催人泪下”的历史终于要结束啦!因为日本House食品集团株式会社即将推出世界上首个“无泪洋葱”。

    However , your days of getting teary-eyed in the kitchen may be coming to an end as Japanese company House Foods Group prepares to launch the world 's first tear-free onion to the market .

  3. 这次打击之大使她欲哭无泪。

    The intensity of the blow made her unabled to cry .

  4. 母亲带着欲哭无泪的悲哀凝视着她死去的婴孩。

    The mother stared at her dead baby with tearless grief .

  5. 泣不成声欲哭无泪那姑娘因悲痛的消息而哭泣。

    sobbing tearless The sobbing of that girl because of grieved news .

  6. 无泪的配方,泡泡丰富,冲洗方便。

    This tear free formula lathers thick and rinses easy .

  7. 曾向天举起无泪的眼睛

    And I did lift my tearless eyes to Heaven

  8. 苔丝跟上去,站在一边用那双无泪的眼睛望着他,

    Tess followed him and stood there staring at him with dry eyes .

  9. 洛哈特的话被费尔奇无泪的伤心哭泣打断了。

    Lockhart 's comments were punctuated by Filch 's dry , racking sobs .

  10. 她欲哭无泪。

    She felt like weeping but had no tears .

  11. 先天性无泪点10例

    Congenital absence of lacrimal puncta - 10 cases

  12. 一个人在这危急关头,已经无泪可流。

    In such Straits as these , the heart has no tears to give .

  13. 我欲哭无泪,心中充满了恐慌。

    Tears would start to come . Then nothing . I was numb with fear .

  14. 每一个女孩都是一个无泪的天使。

    Every girl is a tearless angel .

  15. 苏格兰玛莉女王欲哭无泪时,我要准备报仇。

    Mary Queen of Scots no more tears now ; I will think about revenge .

  16. 唉,星期天终于来临,我却欲哭无泪。

    Well , it 's already sunday . I think I 'm about to wilt .

  17. 无泪的悲伤是内心在泣血。

    Tearless grief bleeds inwardly .

  18. 不,我的孩子们,我的是“男人式的哭泣”,那是一种无声无泪的哭泣。

    No , boys , what I am doing is man-crying , a sort of non-crying cry .

  19. 有时,一口井的凹痕看得很清楚,从前这里有泉水,现在是干燥无泪的草;

    Sometimes the well dent is visible , where once a spring oozed ; now dry and tearless grass ;

  20. 阿里巴巴正斥巨资和腾讯竞争,但其中一些投资对象的估值水平让人欲哭无泪。

    Alibaba is spending furiously to compete against Tencent , but some of those investments are coming at eye-watering valuations .

  21. 你觉得有没可能阻止她当她发现用的是卢克。天行者无泪配方洗发水?

    Sheldon : Do you think this possibility will be helped or hindered when she discovers your Luke Skywalker no-more-tears shampoo ?

  22. 结果300例(354只眼)中234只眼无泪溢症状,泪道冲洗通畅;

    Results Of all the 300 cases , 234 eyes showed no symptom of lacrimation and irrigation of lacrimal duct which was unobstructed ;

  23. 回顾这6年多来自己的情况,真的有很多事情让自己拥有一种欲哭而无泪的伤感。

    In the6 years , we don 't have the information about hers . I don 't know her life weather well or not .

  24. 结果:在40只术眼中,术后82.5%有泪流,最终无泪者27.5%;

    Results : Of these 40 operated eyes postoperatively , 82 . 5 % had tearing , but no tearing occurred in 27 . 5 % finally ;

  25. 事情还没发展到连出租车司机就都要求对银行一级资本进行管制的程度,但整体上来讲,全球已经一致同意对银行进行严厉监管直到他们欲哭无泪。

    IT HASN 'T got to the stage of taxi drivers demanding a crackdown on tier-one capital , but in general terms the world agrees that banks need to be regulated until they weep .

  26. 腾格拉尔夫人欲哭无泪、情绪激动,她把钞票放进她钱袋里,把股息和支票夹入笔记本里,然后,她脸色苍白,一声不响地站着,等待一句安慰话。

    Madame danglars , with tearless eyes , but with her breast heaving with concealed emotion , placed the bank-notes in her bag , put the certificate and check into her pocket-book , and then , standing pale and mute , awaited one kind word of consolation .

  27. 墨点无多泪点多&论朱耷绘画语言的隐喻特征

    On the Metaphorical characteristics of Zhu Da 's Drawing Language

  28. 目的:分析无支架泪囊鼻腔吻合术治疗慢性泪囊炎的疗效。

    AIM : To analyze the efficacy of stentless dacryocystorhinostomy in the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis .

  29. 结果观察6月至3年,全部患者术后无溢泪、溢脓,冲洗泪道通畅。

    Results All operative eases had no effusive tears and no pyorrhea after followed up 0.6 ~ 3 years .