- clansman

[clansman] 同宗的人;同一家族的人
" Liao sacrifice " was inherited anddeveloped by Zhou clansman .
Can we be surnamed what does the clansman do for diligent Hu ?
The idea of fighting against men of their own race was hateful to them .
They called him a traitor to his Afrikaner people .
Thousands of people , mainly Zulus , assembled in a stadium in Thokoza
The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort .
With little influence over policies , their traditional livelihoods are threatened .
The chief tells his people to gather even more firewood , then calls the Weather Service again : " Are you sure ? "
Aging of CT Measurements on Cerebral Ventricle of Korean
The thesis aims to explore the similarities and differences in the use of you know between Chinese EFL learners and native speakers .
As the red nation peoples ascended , they went into and interlocking star pattern due to the Pleiadian DNA that these two root races share .
[ Method ] Blood samples and MRI from 182 Han people were collected , including 81 patients with LDD and 101 healthy individuals .
A Case of Hemoglobin E in Inner Mongolia
Midslope and highland Lao speak an assortment of tribal languages .
As I prepared to retire from the IBM Corporation , my102-year-old grandmother reminded me of the Cherokee tradition , where one is not an adult until age51 .
In fact , scientists say it 's quite possible for the DNA of two people of different races to bear a stronger resemblance than that of two members of the same race .
Correlation between point mutation frequency of MBL gene exon ⅰ and plasma MBL concentration in healthy Mongolians
Correlation between point mutation frequency of MBL coding gene Exon 1 and MBL plasma concentration in Chinese Hans and Mongolia people
Conclusion : The results suggest that GT repeat sequence polymorphisms of angiotensinogen gene in Kazak of Xinjiang are different from various races .
However , the illness is most commonly spread by eating an infected person or animal.Initially , anthropologists and medical doctors didn 't know why kuru was spreading across the Fore tribe .
Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotide Typing for HLA-DP Locus in a Native HAN Population of Hunan Province
The Setonian ethnic group worshipped their Peko idol until modern times .
Conclusion : The results suggested that the - 1023 polymorphism of β _2-AR gene might be associated with hypertension with Kazakh groups .
I was with Pashtuns and they would protect me to the death , as they had in the 1980s against the Russians .
Columbus 's view of biblical prophecy does not justify his actions toward the Taino but neither do his actions make biblical prophecies erroneous .
AIM : To investigate the point mutation at codon 54 of mannose binding lectin ( MBL ) gene , detect the plasma MBL level , and analyze the correlation between the gene mutation frequency and plasma MBL concentration .
It is the Annanuki 's consumption of blood to sustain their lengthy life spans of8000 to18,000 years that is the original cause of how consumption of flesh began in human form upon earth .
" We don 't want to be seen as just the powerless victims of climate change ," said Patricia Cochran , chair of the summit and an Inupiat native of Nome , Alaska , in a press release .
But in past years , there were many more people , said Sultanate , a Kazakh man who worked at the park entrance . The captain of one of the boats spends all day wiping the windows , he said .
This is most apparent in Judaism 's approach to intimacy .