
  • 网络Rotation axis;Axis of rotation;X-X;Y-Y
  1. 凹球面支撑轴旋转时,球心与旋转轴线的对准误差导致两反射光光程差变化,使干涉条纹移动。

    With turning , the alignment error of concave sphere center and axis of rotation makes optical path difference alter , so interference fringes will change from bright to hidden .

  2. 第四章CAT系统的标定,分为光象平面标定和旋转轴线标定。

    ChapterIV : The CAT system is calibrated .

  3. 研制了一种用于旋转轴线位置测量的高分辨率反射型强度调制(RIM)光纤传感器。

    A high-resolution reflective intensity modulated ( RIM ) fiber optic sensor was presented for the rotation axis measurement .

  4. 一种测量旋转轴线位置的高分辨率光纤传感器

    A High Resolution Fiber Optic Sensor for the Rotation Axis Measurement

  5. 旋转轴线误差运动的测量和分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Error of Rotating Axis

  6. 转动轮的旋转轴线与轮胎的旋转轴线垂直。

    The rotary shaft line of the rotary wheel is vertical with that of the wheels .

  7. 其次,通过计算车轮运动时车轮上任意一点所形成的曲线方程,确定不同时刻的车轮旋转轴线,并对车轮旋转轴线进行分析,求得车轮的旋转轴线在不同时刻的方程。

    Secondly , calculating the curvilinear equation when any point onthe wheel movement , ensure the different rotation axis of different time .

  8. 给出了旋转轴线位置偏移与反射光强度调制的关系表达式,并利用所建立了实验系统对该传感器的性能进行了分析。

    The relationship between the deviation of rotation axis and the reflective optical intensity modulation was presented , and a high performance experimental system was also established for the experimental validation .

  9. 本文提出的三点式误差分离新方法用以分离旋转轴线的径向误差运动与测量介质或测量对象的形状误差。

    A new 3 & point error separation method is developed and used in this paper for separating the radial errors of rotating axis and the shape errors of the objects measured .

  10. 因位标器陀螺在材料分布及加工、装配过程存在误差,造成其质心不在其旋转轴线上,在重力作用下,转子在旋进的运动过程产生一个合力。

    However , due to positioning in the processing and distribution of materials , assembly error , causing his centroid was not in its rotation axis . Under the force of gravity , the rotating rotor in the process produces a campaign together .

  11. 在现实生活中,转子的中心惯性主轴会或多或少地偏离其旋转轴线,这样当转子旋转时,就会产生不平衡离心力,我们称之为转子不平衡。

    In real life , central principal axis of inertia of the rotor will be more or less deviated from its rotation axis , so that when the rotor rotates , it will create an unbalanced centrifugal force , we call it rotor imbalance .

  12. 由于选择通过主轴旋转轴线的水平面作为测量平面,同时把激光测量元件安装在刀具的位置,从而使得测量工作和公式推导大为简化。

    Since a horizontal plane through the spindle rotating axis of the CNC lathe is selected as the measuring plane and a laser optical measuring device is mounted in the place of the cutting tool , both the measurement and the derivation are simplified .

  13. 尤其是在钢丝滚道轴承的滚压磨合方法中提出的递增加载原则、载荷作用线与轴承旋转轴线重合原则和刚度原则是工程设计和实践经验的总结。

    The principle of increasing progressively load , the principle of load action line coinciding with rotation shaft line and the principle of rigidity , put forward in roll extrustion running-in way of steel wire rolls track bearing are summary of engineering design and practical experience .

  14. 为满足长管型零件的校直工艺要求,提出以工件旋转轴线作为基准测量工件直线度和内径的单测头或多测头测量方案以及基于频域分析的数据处理方法。

    To meet the technical requirement of aligning process of long pipe workpieces , the measuring method for linearity and interior radius with single probe or multi probes which takes the rotation axis of workpiece as the measuring reference and the data processing method based on FFT are presented .

  15. 然后以结构在任一展开状态时旋转铰轴线倾斜方向为广义位移,得到旋转变量的输入输出关系方程,证明了结构的运动具有单自由度。

    Furthermore , taking the inclining direction of the rotating axes as general displacements , the input-output equation of the rotating variables was obtained , which demonstrated that the movement of this structure had one freedom degree .

  16. 均匀旋转带电体轴线上的磁场分布

    Distribution of Magnetic Field on Axis Line to Even Electric Body of Revolving

  17. 完成了磨头主轴的结构设计及主轴轴线与旋转工作台轴线之间夹角的调整机构;

    The grinding head spindle 's structure and the adjusting device for the angle between the axes of spindle and the axes of rotary table are designed completely ;

  18. 由于不同的CAD造型导入到VRML系统后会丢失参数信息,比如旋转模型会丢失轴线信息,为恢复旋转模型的轴线信息提出了该算法。

    As different CAD modeling VRML import to be lost after the system parameters , such as the rotation axis model information will be lost for the resumption of the axis of rotation model information to the algorithm .