
  1. 中国农村居民旅游消费水平及区域差异研究

    Tourist Consumption Level of China 's Rural Residents and Its Regional Classification

  2. 我已报销了旅差费。中国农村居民旅游消费水平及区域差异研究

    I have rendered the account of the expenditure on my trips . Tourist Consumption Level of China 's Rural Residents and Its Regional Classification

  3. 第五部分是本文的一个总结内容,用来总结全文,并明确提升旅游消费水平,有利于引导我省旅游业实现又好又快的发展。

    The fifth part is the conclusion , summarizing the whole paper and clearly enhancing tourist consumption level to guide the fast development of tourism in our province .

  4. 本文重点从旅游消费水平着手来研究贵州省的旅游产业,因为人们在进行旅游的活动过程中,实际上就是消费发生的过程,即旅游消费包括旅游之前、之中和之后的全部消费。

    This paper aims to do a research on the tourist industry of Guizhou province from the perspective of tourist consumption level . People who are in traveling are in fact in the process of consumption , including pre-traveling , in-traveling and post-traveling consumptions altogether .

  5. 随着旅游者消费水平和需求层次的逐步提高,森林公园在旅游产品的供给上已不能适应旅游者旅游消费升级的市场需求。

    With the level of tourists ' consumption and demand improving gradually , the tourism products supply of forest park can not meet the upgrading market demand any more .

  6. 由于我国旅游者消费水平相对国际水平仍较低,以及节假日等条件的限制,度假旅游多呈现环城短途短暂的特征。

    And the structure of the ITPC reveals its special characteristics in sex , age and occupation . Due to the low level expenditure , limited by traffic , communication and holiday , vacation tourism is always short-time and round the city .

  7. 本文在分析了云南海外游客市场发展现状和海外旅游者消费水平的基础上,提出了云南开拓海外客源市场的主要对策措施是:突出云南旅游特色,塑造鲜明旅游形象;

    This paper , based on the analysis of the status quo of the market of foreign tourists in Yunnan and the consumption level of foreign tourists , advances some measures for the opening up of the market of foreign tourists in Yunnan .

  8. 现代旅游市场游客结构的变化,旅游的消费水平、产业规模和社会功能的不断提升,使传统的旅游接待服务已经不能满足蓬勃发展的个性化旅游市场的增长需求。

    Due to the change of Modern tourism market structure , the traditional tourism hospitality services could not satisfy the growing demand of personal tourism market , which is booming . The continuous development of tourism consumption level , industrial scale and social function also has the same effect .

  9. 消费是旅游者暴露在外的最显著特征之一,旅游者的消费水平即旅游花费支出也是对旅游接待地最有经济意义的一项指标。

    Consumption is one of the most notable characteristics of tourists and the level of tourism expenditure is most meaningful to the tourist destination .

  10. 旅游演艺是顺应休闲需求、增强旅游吸引力、提高旅游者消费水平的重要载体。

    Tourism entertainment is the major carrier of a response to demand for recreational tourism , enhance tourist attraction , and improve the level of consumption .

  11. 在理想化一般均衡消费分析的基础上,分析城市居民国内旅游消费需求数量和结构,指出我国城市居民整体旅游消费水平较低。

    On the base of analyzing ideal balanced consumption , the paper study domestic tourism consumption demand quantity and structure , and point out the tourism consumption ability of urban resident is very low .