
  • 网络application rate;fertilizer;fertilization;dose
  1. 种子活力指数都随着施肥量的增加而上升,但差异不显著(P0.05)。

    Alfalfa seed vigor index increased with the increase of application rate , but the difference was not significant .

  2. 控释肥比普通复肥具有控制释放,提高产量和降低施肥量的优越性。

    The CRF showed its advantages of controlling release nutrient , increasing yield and reducing nitrogen application rate .

  3. 土壤酶活性均在E(肥土比1:200)施肥量时发生明显变化,脲酶、中性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性急剧下降。

    Activity of urease , neutral phosphatase and invertase significantly decreased in the E ( 1:200 ) treatment .

  4. 在高低施肥量条件下,淋溶液pH最终约下降了0.07~0.19个单位。

    Under the low and high fertilizer , the pH dropped by 0.07 ~ 0.19 units at the end .

  5. 决定不同品种间成熟期子粒蛋白质含量高低的主要参数为b值,施肥量是通过影响a值的大小而影响子粒蛋白质含量,与b值的相关不密切。

    The grain protein content were mainly determined by parameter b in different varieties , by parameter a values in different fertilizer level .

  6. 在高施肥量条件下,硝态氮浓度达到高峰时,可使pH显著下降0.39个单位。

    When nitrate concentrations reached the peak point under higher fertilizer , it could significantly descend pH by 0.39 units .

  7. 通过不同的N、K处理,研究了N、K施肥量对微胚乳超高油玉米产量的影响。

    The effect of different rates of nitrogen and potassium on the yield of micro-endosperm super high oil corn were studied .

  8. 通过油菜小区试验研究,结果表明:不同施肥量,不同N、P、K配比,均有不同的化肥利用率;

    Results of a rape plot experiment in Southeast Guizhou show that different fertilizer application rates and different NPK ratios resulted in different fertilizer recovery rates .

  9. 土壤养分缺乏和施肥量不足是目前影响茶叶产量和品质的两个主要因素(Yuan等,2000)。

    Nutrient deficiency in soils and poor fertilization are two causations for low yield and quality of teas ( Yuan et al , 2000 ) .

  10. 结果表明:不同N、K施肥量对微胚乳超高油玉米产量有着极显著的影响,其中K1处理(150kg/hm2)显著优于K2处理(300kg/hm2);

    The results showed that different application rates of nitrogen and potassium significantly affected the grain yield of corn .

  11. 随着施肥量的增加,茶叶中的GS活性呈先上升后下降的趋势。

    GS activity in the tea first rises and then declines with the increase of fertilizer .

  12. 小麦作物上施肥量也低,处理间N2O排放量差异不显著。

    No significant difference in N2O emission amount was found in wheat - soil system .

  13. 不同的施肥量造成春小麦不同的生长状况,其N2O释放速率也随之不同,过量施肥引起N2O释放速率增加。

    Under different fertilization conditions , both growing status and N_2O emission rate of spring wheat are different and the excess fertilization rasults in a higher N_2O emission rate .

  14. 幼苗生长和产量的影响。hm-2,最佳经济施肥量则分别为N310.76kg。

    Posed the best effectiveness on the growth of seedlings .

  15. hm-2,最佳经济施肥量则分别为N310.76kg.试论创业者最优负债规模

    The Discussion of the Best Debt Quantity of Entrepreneur

  16. 在混合基质(草炭、蛭石、炉渣灰)育苗条件下,随着施肥量增加,茄子幼苗生长、干物质积累以及植株对N、P、K的吸收量也随之增大。

    When eggplant seedlings were raised in mixed media ( peat , vermiculite and cinder ), the plant growth , dry matter accumulation and uptake amount of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium increased with fertilizer application levels .

  17. 当施氮量超过一定水平后,施肥量高低对N2O排放总量的影响并不显著。

    But when it exceeded to a critical rate , fertilizer application rate had no significant effects on the N2O emission .

  18. 结果表明,在较好的立地条件下,每株施用N肥1.78g+P肥8.42g的施肥量对大扁杏幼树作用不明显;

    The result showed that fertilization at rate of 1.78 g N per tree , 8.42 g P , had not significantly effect in the better site condition , but had significant at the same rate in bad site condition .

  19. 最佳施肥量为30kg/亩。

    The optimum quantity of fertilizer applied is 30kg / mu .

  20. 采用三因素回归最优设计方法,对枣树N、P、K最优施肥量进行了定量研究,建立了N、P、K肥施用量与枣树产量之间的效应模式;

    Quantitative studies regarding N , P , K optimum fertilization dosage of Zizyphus jujuba were conducted by using 3-factor regression optimum design methods , and effective models between N , P , K fertilization dosage and yield of Zizyphus jujuba was established .

  21. 结果表明,影响云南省冬季亚麻原茎产量的因素依次为:播种密度、施肥量、NPK比例;

    The factor which influence the product of stem of flax most in winter in Yunnan is density , then amount of fertilizer , and NPK ratio .

  22. 在富阳,FI施肥量比其它两处理获得统计上的高产,进一步增施化肥似无必要。

    The fertilizer rate of FI gave significant higher yield than the other two at Fuyang , further increasing in chemical NPK would be unnecessary at the location .

  23. 根据树高、地径与施肥量建立的氮磷钾肥效模型分析结果表明,仅地径氮元素单元肥效模型的F检验显著。

    According to the model analysis built on the effect of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium balanced application to tree height and ground diameter , only the F-test based on the model of ground diameter and nitrogen acts significantly . 2 .

  24. 通过感官评价,确定pH3.50为最佳成熟点。hm-2,最佳经济施肥量则分别为N310.76kg。

    According to the results of sensor evaluation , the best ripeness point is at PH3.50 .

  25. 三种阴离子处理下,植株各器官的Mn含量均随施肥量的增加而急剧上升,根中的含量最高,并且SO4~(2-)处理的高于Cl~-处理的。

    Mn content in cucumber roots stems and leaves were increased significantly when raised fertilization , regardless treatment types . The content of Mn in roots was highest , and that of treated with SO42 " was higher than Cl " .

  26. 三根钉的进钉深度以钉尖到达股骨头球面边缘为宜。hm-2,最佳经济施肥量则分别为N310.76kg。

    The best depth of the nails inside the femoral neck is the tip of nails touch the edge of spherical surface of the femoral head .

  27. 在30~60kg肥料施用量范围内,随施肥量的增加,营养生长量更高,更有利于油菜高产。

    In the range of 30-60kg / mu applied coated-compound fertilizer the vegetative growth and biomass increased with the increase of fertilizing rate .

  28. 低施肥量条件下,DCD可以使硝态氮淋溶达到峰值的时间延缓7天,并使峰值降低。

    Under lower fertilization conditions , nitrate leaching in DCD treatments could delay the peak time for 7 days throughout the trial period , and also reduce the peak value .

  29. EksotikaⅡ品种番木瓜合理施肥量研究

    Research on Reasonable Fertilization of Eksotika ⅱ Papaya

  30. hm-2。2002年洞庭湖区粮食生产实际施肥量超过农户经济最优施肥量30.21kg。

    The actual fertilizer application amount in 2002 exceeded the fertilizer application amount of optimal farmers ' financial benefit in food supplies production in the Dongting Lake area , reached 30.21 kg · hm-2 .