
  • 网络construction control
  1. ROBOT软件在斜拉输水管桥施工控制中的应用

    Application of ROBOT Software in Construction Control of Cable-Stayed Water Transmission Pipe Bridge

  2. PC连续梁桥施工控制与合龙参数分析

    Construction Control of PC Continuous Beam Bridge and Analysis of Closure Parameter

  3. GPS在特大桥施工控制网测量中的应用

    The application of GPS in the control net measure with construction in oversize bridge

  4. 同时,在悬臂浇注的PC斜拉桥施工控制中,立模标高很容易受到多方面因素的影响,特别是中间索力和前支点挂篮对立模标高的影响不容忽视。

    Meanwhile , the formwork placing elevation is influenced by several factors , especially the influences caused by mid cable force and preceding fulcrum traveling carriage cannot be ignored .

  5. 介绍了BP网络方法在钢箱梁施工控制中的实施过程,根据网络预测结果为合拢段实施过程提供参考依据。

    In this paper theories and application of BP neutral network have been introduced , and useful reference for construction control of central connected part of steel box beam has been got by the forecasted result of neutral network .

  6. 振冲碎石桩的施工控制和质量检验方法

    The Construction Control and Quality Detection Methods of Vibrating Macadam Pile

  7. 铁路隧道穿越岩溶群区施工控制技术研究

    Construction techniques for a railway tunnel passing through karst group area

  8. 煤矿冻结法施工控制可视化软件

    Visualization Software for Construction Control System of Shaft Sinking by Freezing

  9. 施工控制网在河道桥梁架设中的优化设计

    Optimum Design of Construction Control Survey Network in Bridging of River

  10. 定向分枝钻孔的设计和施工控制

    Slim - hole drilling technology directional branch hole design and control

  11. 系杆拱桥吊杆初始张拉力及施工控制

    Preliminary Tension and Construction Control of Tied Arch 's Suspension Rod

  12. 详细阐述了预压施工控制的内容与方法。

    Details the contents of pre-press and method of construction control .

  13. 百色水利枢纽施工控制网测量综述

    Summarizing of construction control net surveying of the Baise WR pivotal project

  14. 先简支后连续梁板预应力的计算与施工控制

    The Calculation of Simple-Supported And Continued Beam Slab Prestress & Construction Control

  15. 现浇混凝土非结构性裂缝的产生机理和施工控制技术

    Producing Mechanism and Construction Controlling Technology of Non-Structure Crack of Cast-in-place Concrete

  16. 高原季节性冻土地区铁路混凝土含气量施工控制措施

    Control measures for railroad concrete air content in upland seasonal frosty area

  17. 上海软土地区深基坑工程的施工控制要点

    Construction control of deep pit engineering in Shanghai soft-soil areas

  18. 预拌混凝土质量问题及大体积混凝土施工控制

    Ready-mixed concrete quality problem and massive concrete working control

  19. 路面结构层平整度及横坡度的施工控制

    The construction control for the evenness and transverse slope of pavement structure layer

  20. 软土路基路堤填筑施工控制指标探讨

    A Study on Filling Construction Control Criterion of Soft Subgrade Soil and Embankment

  21. 建立高精度施工控制方格网

    Set up High Precision Control Squared Network to Construction

  22. 高压天然气球罐施工控制要点

    The control points for construction of the high pressure natural gas storage pot

  23. 大跨度悬索桥施工控制分析

    The Construction Control Analysis of Long Span Suspension Bridge

  24. 深层水泥搅拌桩处理软基施工控制与质量检测

    On the soft ground settlement by deep - seated cement mixing pile construction

  25. 张拉锚跨丝股法架设悬索桥及其施工控制

    The construction control of tensioning of anchor span strand for erecting suspensio bridges

  26. 黄河下游堤防道路路面结构设计与施工控制

    Pavement Structure Design and Construction Control of Roadway on Yellow River 's Downstream Bank

  27. 施工控制网中GPS2维平差的一种方法

    Two-dimensional Adjustment of GPS in Construction Control Network

  28. 高精度大型预组装平台的施工控制

    Construction Control of High Precision Large Pre-assembly Platform

  29. 灌浆施工控制及效果探查

    The controlling of grouting construction & result exploration

  30. 北仑电厂泥螺山灰坝施工控制参数的确定

    The determination of construction control parameters for ash dam at Beilun Thermal Power Plant