
  • 网络square cave
  1. 否则,这就好象似把一只圆钉钉在了一个同样大小的方洞里。

    This would be like putting a round peg in a square hole of similar sizes .

  2. 他让八戒和沙和尚看好行李,自己赶忙来到枯松涧火方洞找师父。

    Sand to look after the luggage and he hurried to the Huofang Cave In the Withered PIne Valley to look for his master .

  3. 厅的角上有个方洞,正如轮船上的升降口,楼下的人,从一道螺旋式楼梯经过这方洞,到达楼上。

    It was reached by a spiral staircase which terminated in the corner of the room at a square hole like the hatchway of a ship .