
  1. 松乳菇菌丝纯培养及其分离物的DNA指纹研究

    Studies on the Isolation , Pure Culture and DNA Identification of Mycelia of Lactarius Deliciosus

  2. 松乳菇菌丝体固体平板培养的研究

    Study on fruit body of lactarius deliciosus upon solid culture medium

  3. 松乳菇液态发酵工艺及其饮料配方的研究

    On Liquid Fermentation Technology of Lactarius delicious and the Formula of Fungal Beverage

  4. 松乳菇的第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸;

    The first limit amino acid is met .

  5. 紫铜色松乳菇栽培培养基配方筛选的研究

    The Screening Research of Culture Medium Formula in Artificial Cultivate of Purple Bronze Lactarius deliciosus

  6. 松乳菇是与松、杉、柏等树木共生的外生菌根真菌,具有重要的食、药用及生态价值。

    Lactarius deliciosus is ectomycorrhizal fungi important to pine and have an edible and medical value .

  7. 本文对贵州的野生松乳菇进行了有关生物学特性、化学成分、食用添加剂及食用菌产品开发研究。

    The paper is aimed to study the influence of the presence of mercury on the growth of wild mushrooms and their safety for human consumption .

  8. 为探明一株G-短杆菌红色素的应用价值,对自松乳菇子实体中分离的该G-红色细菌种属与红色素特性进行了研究。

    The properties of red pigment obtained from a strain G - bacterium , whose genus identified and isolated from seed purification of Lactarius deliciosus Gray sporocarp tissue culture , were studied in this paper .