
  • 网络gin
  1. 先生,我除了觉得古怪的玻璃杯和两杯松子酒和滋补品无法抗拒之外,在工作中和工作以外的行为都是无可指责的。

    Sir , my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable , apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible .

  2. 斯朋斯教授先前的研究已有成果,例如,重一些的玻璃杯装松子酒和奎宁水能让其更好喝,一块漂亮的桌布能让食物变得更美味。

    Professor Spence 's previous work has established , for example , that a heavier glass makes a gin and tonics taste better and that a fine dining cloth will improve the flavour of a meal .

  3. 难道你不和我一起喝杯松子酒吗?

    Won 't you have a gin and tonic with me ?

  4. 幸好她顾不上去找答案。因为潘波趣先生叫喊着要些热松子酒,以除掉药的味道。

    Fortunately she had no time to find the answer , as Mr Pumblechook was calling for a hot rum to remove the taste of the medicine .