
  • 网络methodological individualism;methodology individualism
  1. 有吹毛求疵的政治哲学家认为,如果撒切尔想成为真正的方法论个人主义者,她本不会在那场著名的讲话中加上“家庭”。

    Nit-picking political philosophers have said that if she wanted to be a true methodological individualist she would not have added " and there are families " in her famous statement .

  2. 在我的理解中,她的话是“方法论的个人主义”(methodologicalindividualism)的表达(但愿她不是在演讲稿撰写者的劝说下说出这番话的)。

    I interpreted her remarks as an expression of methodological individualism ( although I pity any speech writer who sought to persuade her to say those words ) .

  3. 方法论的个人主义得到一大批经验主义思想家的支持,其中有些人的政治观点与撒切尔大相径庭。

    Methodological individualism has been espoused by a long line of empiricist thinkers , some of very different politics to Thatcher .

  4. 简而言之,方法论的个人主义是指,复杂整体的运作机理一定能够以个体成员的形式表达出来——化学元素用原子表达,原子用亚原子粒子表达,国家用公民表达。

    Very briefly it means that the workings of complex wholes must be capable of being expressed in terms of individual components - chemical elements in terms of atoms , atoms in terms of subatomic particles and nations in terms of their citizens .