
  • 网络New vision;new horizon;New View
  1. 你可能被吸引至如生态学、和平运动、科学、科技、心理学、形上学等,或任何为人类带来新视界的领域去。

    You may be drawn to areas such as ecology , the peace movement , science , technology , psychology , metaphysics , or others that contribute to a new vision for humanity .

  2. 高校文科科研发展新视界

    A New View on University Arts ' Scientific Research

  3. 数字时代电子媒介人的崛起与出版新视界

    The Rise of Cyber-mediators and New Horizons of Publication in the Digital Age

  4. 网格&教育信息化的新视界

    Grid & the new field of educational informatization

  5. 对新视界保持开放。

    And remain open to new perspectives .

  6. 在经济学语境中理解马克思,是一个独具诠释魅力的哲学新视界。

    Understanding Marx in economic context of situation is a new philosophy vision with especial charm .

  7. 大学集群是高等教育创新发展研究的新视界。

    University cluster is a new horizon in the study of innovative development of higher education .

  8. 自然性与文化性的统一&环境美学的新视界

    Unification of Nature and Culture

  9. 本文主要介绍网格的基本概念以及教育网格在我国的研究现状,同时探讨教育网格为教育信息化开创的新视界。

    This paper introduces the basic conception of grid and discusses the new field of educational informatization .

  10. 本部分阐释了马克思通过对黑格尔的世界历史观念的扬弃为突破口,从而确立了实践为理论基石的历史唯物主义新视界的历程。

    It established practice as the cornerstone of historical materialism from the sublation on Hegelian world history theory .

  11. 开拓音乐教育的新视界和新功能应该成为我国音乐教育的改革新思路。

    To find out new fields of view and functions should become a fresh thinking of music education reform .

  12. 台湾传记文学研究的新视界&评郑尊仁《台湾当代传记文学研究》

    A New Research Perspective of Taiwan Biographic Literature & Comment on Taiwan Contemporary Biographic Literature Research by Zheng Zun-ren ;

  13. 反之,以文为友的风尚也影响了四人的文学创作,打开了唐人诗歌表现内容的一个新视界。

    The fashion also influenced the four 's creation and broke a new ground for the poets in Tang Dynasty .

  14. 全面质量营销是现代市场营销的新视界,它赋予营销策略以新的理念。

    The comprehensive quality marketing method is a new view on modern marketing , which gives the marketing strategy a new idea .

  15. 马克思哲学新视界生成于1845年。

    The new purview of Marx 's philosophy created in 1845 . In the year he wrote down two works : Theses On Feuerbach and German Ideology , which symbolized that the new world outlook of Marxist philosophy had been built .

  16. 人们不断的借助科技设备弥补自身生理的局限,拓展新的视界。

    People are constantly using technology equipment to make up for their own physical limitations , and to explore new horizon .

  17. 在这些过程中,译者的视界与文本的视界相互作用,从而产生一种新的视界,译本也由此产生。

    In these processes , the translator ' shorizon interacts with that of the text so that a new and broader horizon is formed and anew version is produced .

  18. 关怀理论为师生关系研究提供了新的视界,使笔者发现当下师生关系不良的症结。

    The theory of caring provide a new field of vision of research on the relationship between teachers and students and help the writer root out the diseases of the relationship .

  19. 这一研究不仅弥补了西方叙事学有关“叙述者”问题的研究缺失,也为我们进一步探究叙述美学拓展了一个新的视界。

    This study not only makes up the absence of the research about " narrator " of the narration study in western academic would , but also expands a new view for us to further explore aesthetics of narration .

  20. 新政治经济学视界中的我国公共企业改革

    China 's Public Enterprises Reforms in New Political Economics Visual Field

  21. 旧厂房的新生命&视界创意园方案设计

    New Life of Old Factory & Scheme Design of Vision Creative Industry Park

  22. 小型叙事与新历史主义视界转换

    Petit Narratives and New Historicism Transformation

  23. 抽象艺术在艺术史上的最大贡献是开拓了新的审美视界。

    The greatest contribution that abstract art has made in art history is that it has opened up a new aesthetic field .

  24. 原因三:心学提供给晚明文人新的思维视界,思想的活跃促使他们的个体意识一步步走向成熟。

    The third reason : study of heart provided new thought field for literati , and made their individual consciousness to be moved towards ripe step by step .

  25. 新的美学视界产生了,文本就已不同的方式重新组织了,正如俄国形式主义者,与姚斯的历史规则一致的看法。

    A new aesthetic horizon emerges , and texts are constituted in a different way , much also as the Russian formalists have said , only with the sense in Jauss of the historical imperative .