
  • 网络the new stage
  1. 数字化虚拟人为针灸学发展提供新舞台

    Digitized Analog Human Provides a New Stage for the Development of Acupuncture-moxibustion Science

  2. 当今,环境外交已经成为国际政治的一个新舞台。

    Nowadays , the environmental diplomacy has become a new stage in the international politics .

  3. 对于JR和他的团队而言,这是能够让全世界人能够被清楚认出的最新舞台。

    It was the latest venue for J R and his project to let people - all over the world - be recognized .

  4. 我们的新舞台管理适应得怎么样呀

    How 's our new stagehand getting on ?

  5. 计划的一部分是我们需要一个新舞台,而且我们必须抬高屋顶。

    Part of the project is we need a new stage and we had to raise the roof .

  6. 人脸识别的应用如今越来越普遍,奥运会只不过是出于安保目的而提供的又一个新舞台。

    Facial recognition is becoming more and more prevalent and the Olympics are just the latest arena to use them for security purposes .

  7. 在这里,环城秀色的复兴活化空间必将成为社会活动和精神文化交流的新舞台。

    Here , the ring landscape revival of " activation " of space will become the spirit of cultural exchange activities and a new stage .

  8. 当女性个体的发展进入青春期晚期以及成年早期阶段时,恋爱&个体生命历程中的重要事件,成为了母女关系变化发展的新舞台。

    When the female individual into late adolescence and early adulthood stage . Love is an important event in the individual life course . It has become a new stage of mother-daughter relationships .

  9. 1908年,上海建成了中国第一家具有现代化设施的新式剧场&新舞台,此后,新式剧场风靡全国,不久即取代茶园成为戏曲演出的主要场所。

    In 1908 , " New Stage " . China 's first new - style theatre with modern facilities , was erected in Shanghai . Afterwards , new-style theatres were built all over the country and became very popular .

  10. 詹姆斯哈登,如今回首他27年的生活,加州的贫困时光,亚利桑那州的少年时代,俄克拉荷马州的辛勤岁月,休斯顿的新舞台。

    James Harden , now looks back to his 27 year life , the poor days in California , the years of youth when he wasj in Arizona , the hardworking time when he was in OKC , the new stage when he was in Houston .

  11. “他的新莎士比亚舞台剧将在周五登台上演”

    " His new Shakespeare staging is scheduled to debut this friday . "

  12. 现在,科技真的将结婚照带上了一个新的舞台。

    Now , the technology really gives the wedding picture a new edge .

  13. 在高层次上探索新的舞台叙述方法&谈王晓鹰的导演艺术

    In Pursuit of New , Higher-level Dramatic Narrative Techniques : Wang Xiaoying 's Art of Directing

  14. 我们还会增加一个新的舞台上,并会有新的舞台奖项。

    We 'll also add a new arena , and there 'll be new arena awards .

  15. 计算机、网络及多媒体技术的发展为远程教育提供了新的舞台,使远程教育进入了一个崭新的时代。

    The development of computer , network and multimedia technologies provides the new approaches for distance education and brings it to a new era .

  16. 你用心脏和腿积累出来的里程,把你推向了一个新的舞台,也让你确认和诠释了“我能”的含义。

    The stages where your heart and your legs carried you through the miles effortlessly lifted you , confirmed your theory of I can .

  17. 信息技术的快速发展带动了教育技术、教育手段的变革,为学校教育教学提供了新的舞台。

    The rapid development of information technology has promoted the reform on educational technology and method , providing a new stage for school education .

  18. 妈妈:我们那个时候真是土。现在,科技真的将结婚照带上了一个新的舞台。

    Mom : We were all very old fashioned at that time . Now , the technology really gives the wedding pictures a new edge .

  19. 随着网络宽带技术的提高、摄像设备性能的改进、移动互联网的发展,短影视开始有了新的舞台。

    With the enhancement of broadband network technology , the improvement of camera equipment performance , the development of mobile Internet , a short film began a new stage .

  20. 建筑师以时尚品牌作为实现自己设计构想的新的舞台,在满足业主要求的同时追求着自己的趣味。

    The architect uses the fashion brand as the satge that carries out an oneself to design speculation , pursuing an own interest at the time of satisfying owner 's request .

  21. 随着网络经济的发展,电子商务作为网络经济的一个重要组成部分,在新经济舞台中将扮演越来越重要的角色。

    With development of network economy , as a important part of network economy , electronic commerce is going to play a more and more important role in the stage of New Economy .

  22. 此次企划特别以内台时期手绘布景与新制舞台作结合,演出新编戏码『仙拼仙拼死猴齐天』。

    In the current staging , the theater has specially integrated the hand-sketched sets during the indoor staging period and the innovative stage for staging the new repertoire of The Wrestling Deities Jab the Monkey King .

  23. 合作虚拟参考咨询是网络时代图书馆参考咨询发展的必然趋势,它为在现代信息技术条件下实现和共享图书馆员作为信息咨询专家的价值提供了新的舞台。

    Collaborative virtual reference service is an inevitable trend of library 's development in the era of internet . It provides a new arena for librarians to realize and share their value as the experts of information managing and consulting .

  24. 但如今这股热潮正涌向一个新的全球舞台:交易所交易基金(ETF)&对黄金投资者来说很重要的一个市场。

    But now the gold rush is spilling into a new global arena : exchange-traded funds , a key market for investors in the precious metal .

  25. 新国立剧场舞台机械设备技术水平

    The technical standard of stage mechanical equipment in New State Theatres

  26. 这次的话剧版《黄粱一梦》是这个故事第一次登上新中国的舞台。

    It will be the very first time for this drama version to be shown in the Chinese theatre .

  27. 而现代战争作为展示新技术的舞台,对空中目标飞机的图像识别有着新的更高的要求。

    Acting as the stage of new technique , the modem war has more severe requirement to recognize aircraft targets .

  28. 通过戏曲界人士的努力,新剧本的舞台表演实践在社会上引起了积极的反响。

    Through the efforts of the opera actors , the stage performance practice of the new scripts caused positive response .

  29. 他们特别是中国的政治家们又喜出望外地得到了一个新的表演舞台,挥霍着捐款的同时挥洒自如地表现着慈悲和怜悯。

    They especially Chinese politicians and to get a new performance stage , the donation at the same time with aplomb show compassion and mercy .

  30. 在当今格外引人注目的新军事变革舞台上,武器装备采购市场正在上演着一场内涵丰富、暗流涌动的变革与竞争。

    In the stage of the noticeable new military revolution in the world , it is staging with a content rich , simmering change and competition .