
  1. 随着政治上的剧烈变化,形成了长达半个世纪的新旧党争。

    The strongly change of policy form the debate of the new and old parties which last half century .

  2. 秦观是北宋时期新旧党争的牺牲品。

    Qin Guan was the victim of the struggles between the old and new parties in the Northern Song Dynasty .

  3. 围绕熙宁变法,不仅形成了元皊后的新旧党争,还出现了新旧史朱墨史的斗争。

    Around Xi Ning Reform Movement , there not only formed the struggles between old and new parties but also appeared that between red and black in writing history .

  4. 溯其根源,它是北宋后期新旧党争的产物,并且从属于南宋的“元祜叙事”。

    This saying came from the competition between the New and the Old partisans in the Late Northern Song Dynasty , and belonged to the Narration in the Era Yuanyou .