
  1. 新时期文科学报编辑政治素质的培养

    How to foster political quality of the editors of art in the new period

  2. 新时期文科大学生社会实践创新机制探论

    Study of Social Practice Mechanisms Innovative of Liberal Arts College Student in the New Period

  3. 新世纪高校文科学报编辑的思考

    Consideration on Compiling a College Liberal Journal in the New Century

  4. 实行栏目策划是新形势下文科学报的必然选择。文科学报的栏目策划源于市场的需要、读者的需要和自身发展的需要等诸多方面。

    To meet the needs of the market , the reader and self-development , column planning is a natural choice for liberal arts journals under the new circumstances .

  5. 新世纪高校文科学报的正确定位应是提高质量,多出精品,促进科研成果的转化,为知识经济与科技兴国服务。

    The correct position of a college journal should improve it 's quality and produce better works , promote the transformation of the fruits of scientific research , and to serve for the knowledge economy .

  6. 本文从三方面阐述了新形势下高校文科科研应树立服务意识,不断拓展发展新视野,进而提出促进高校文科科研工作开展的几点思路。

    The thesis illustrates some ideas on setting up the notion of service and constantly developing a new view on the improvement of University arts ' scientific research .