
  • 网络new express
  1. 据《新快报》报道,专家称,沐浴时唱歌可促进血液循环、改善心情。

    Experts said that singing while bathing may promote blood circulation and is good for improving your mood , the New Express Daily reports .

  2. 是消费主义女人,还是母亲?&《新快报》2004年母亲节专题软文分析

    Consumerist Women or Mothers ? & A Soft Text Analysis of the 2004 Mother 's Day Monographs in the New Express

  3. 《新快报》总部位于广州,隶属于羊城晚报报业集团。

    The Guangzhou-based Xin Kuai Bao is affiliated to the Yangcheng Evening News Group .

  4. 与第七频道的竞争性节目“企业最新快报”相比,很少再有观众收看“金融世界”。

    Fewer people are watching it compared to its rival " Company Update " on Channel 7 .

  5. 目前,它在周日下午六点播出,“企业最新快报”以前在周日播出,

    At present it goes out at 6pm on a Sunday whereas " Company Update " which used to be broadcast on Sunday

  6. 目前,广州报纸《新快报》的记者陈永洲因涉嫌损害商业信誉罪被警方刑拘。

    Chen Yongzhou , a journalist with the Guangzhou-based newspaper New Express , is now under police custody on suspicion of damaging business reputation .

  7. 广州的《新快报》报道,周一下午五点,南京市共有294对夫妻办理离婚手续,比往常的人数多了一倍。

    At 5 p.m. Monday , Nanjing city recorded 294 divorce cases , double the usual number , said the Guangzhou-based Xin Kuai Bao newspaper .

  8. 上周接受《新快报》采访时,长隆介绍说,集团下的野生动物园和珠海的海洋馆每年共接待游客2400万人。

    In an interview last week with Xin Kuai Bao , it said it receives more than 24 million visitors a year to its safari park in Guangzhou and its aquatic theme park in Zhuhai .

  9. 北京市公安局新闻办表示,《新快报》一名刘姓记者因涉嫌制造传播谣言已被警方拘留。

    The press office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau says a journalist surnamed Liu with the Xin Kuai Bao newspaper has been held by police as he is suspected of fabricating and spreading rumors .

  10. 而同属一个集团,其它变量相对稳定的《新快报》和《羊城晚报》更能够凸现文本本身的价值,成为有效的分析对象。

    ' New Express ' and ' Yangcheng Evening News ' which belong to the same group while have other variables relatively stable can also become an effective objective for text analysis , owing to its conspicuous manifestation of the value of text itself .

  11. 本文的写作,便是基于这一基本观点的实践和尝试&选取广州《新快报》2004年5月出版的母亲节专题文章为分析对象,力图厘清其中不同话语的存在以及叙述策略;

    This essay is based on the practice of this basic viewpoint & selecting , for analysis , the Mother 's Day Monographs published in Guangzhou 's New Express in May 2004 , in order to clarify the existence of different speeches and their description tactics .

  12. 据《新快报》报道,华南理工大学6000多名大学生参与进行调研的一项调查显示:三成大学毕业生(毕业五年内)买房靠父母,超过七成毕业生会在毕业五年内结婚。

    A survey made by more than 6000 students from South China University of Technology shows that 30 percent university graduates ( within 5 years after graduation ) depend on their parents to buy an apartment , the News Express reported . Over 70 percent of university graduates will get married within 5 years of graduation .

  13. 《新音乐快报》(NewMusicalExpress)或许是英国最有影响力的音乐杂志,它给这张专辑的评论是这样开头的:“尼克·凯夫的《从她到永恒》是迄今为止最伟大的摇滚专辑之一。”

    The New Musical Express , probably Britain 's most influential music magazine , began its review with : " Nick Cave 's ' From Her to Eternity " is one of the greatest rock albums ever made . "

  14. 音乐杂志《新音乐快报》(NME)曾称维纳为“trip-hop的祖母”,不过她说她自己“甚至不确定trip-hop是什么”。轻松活泼、出类拔萃的《约翰常说》(JohnSays)是这张专辑中最精彩的歌曲之一。

    the music journal NME once called Winer the " grandmother of trip-hop , " though she says she 's " not even sure what trip-hop is . " The breezily transcendent " John Says , " one of the album 's highlights , appears here .

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