
  • 网络Guangzhou daily;gzdaily.dayoo.com
  1. 《广州日报》(theGuangzhouDaily)最近刊发的一篇文章认为,对于中国玩具制造商而言,这个圣诞节是“史上最糟糕的”。

    The Guangzhou Daily recently called this Christmas " the worst " for Chinese toymakers .

  2. 据《广州日报》报道,两男子因盗窃QQ号被判刑。

    A court has jailed two men for stealing QQ IDs , the Guangzhou Daily reports .

  3. 《广州日报》大分类广告经营策略研究

    A Study of Guangzhou Daily 's Variety Classified Advertisements Operation Strategy

  4. 广州日报:您那个时候有压力吗?

    Newspaper in Guangzhou : You does that time have pressure ?

  5. 全国报纸优秀广告奖广州日报杯评选获奖作品选登

    2005 Guangzhou Daily Cup National Newspaper Excellent Advertisements Award Collection

  6. 从广州日报杯看我国平面广告创意的提升

    Beholding the progress Of Chinese plane Ad Creation from Guangzhou Daily Cup

  7. 早上上班的路上我总是在读<<广州日报>>。

    I read Guangzhou Daily on my way to work in the morning .

  8. 评《广州日报》新闻报道的平民性

    On Popularity of News Report of Guangzhou Daily

  9. 据《广州日报》报道,11月3日,潘泽瑞出生不久的儿子忽然大哭不止,并用手抓下身。

    On Nov.3 , Pan 's newly born son began crying and scratching at his genitals .

  10. 中心城市信息来源、加工和扩散研究&以《广州日报》为例

    A study of the information sources , processing and diffusion & a case study of Guangzhou Daily

  11. 在中国南方报纸《广州日报》的头版上,看不到金融危机的影子。

    On the front page of the southern newspaper Guangzhou Daily , the financial crisis does not exist .

  12. 广州日报:除了控制地价,您的内阁还出台了什么措施?

    Newspaper in Guangzhou : In addition to control ground price , what measure did your cabinet return a pedestal ?

  13. 此外,还兼任新闻翻译员,协助上级翻译《广州日报》的“三水金版”里的新闻翻译。

    Besides , I was one of the translators being responsible for translating the news of a column for Guangzhou Daily .

  14. 据《广州日报》报道,11月21日,一男子因涉嫌传播淫秽物品在广东狮山被捕。

    Police detained a man in Shishan Town of Guangdong Province on Nov.21 for disseminating pornography , the Guangzhou Daily reported .

  15. 政府提高了对第二次购房贷款利率的支付,根据广州日报周二的报告。

    The government raised down payments for second home purchases and loan interest rates , according to a report from Guangzhou Daily Tuesday .

  16. 广州日报:当时日本社会各界,包括国会议员对经济走势有不同的意见吗?

    Newspaper in Guangzhou : At that time Japan society the public , include a parliamentarian to economy the trend have dissimilarity of opinion ?

  17. 韩小汐在接受《广州日报》采访时表示:我十分惊讶王小帅能将一个神秘悬疑的故事拍成一部艺术片。

    I was quite surprised that Wang could make such a mysterious and suspenseful story into an art film , Han told Guangzhou Daily .

  18. 《广州日报》报道说,中国在1924年首次引进这种手指长短的小鱼,投放在杭州的西湖。

    Guangzhou Daily reported that the small , finger-length fish were first brought to China in 1924 and introduced to West Lake in Hangzhou .

  19. 据《广州日报》报道,一名21岁的嫌疑人因投毒勒索广东省广州市的一家超市而被捕。

    A21-year-old suspect has been arrested for poisoning goods to extort money from a supermarket in Guangzhou , Guangdong Province , Guangzhou Daily reported .

  20. 上周六,《广州日报》联系到廖栩珍时,他表示不想评论这个事情;但他表示已被免职。

    Liao declined to comment on the issue when contacted by Guangzhou Daily on Saturday , but he said he had already left his job .

  21. 广州日报报道,这家公司是一个不院透露名字的美容美发连锁店,希望借此机会发扬员工良好的道德价值观。

    The Guangzhou Daily newspaper reported that the company , an unnamed beauty salon chain , wanted to promote good moral values among its employees .

  22. 在世界艾滋病日的这天,《广州日报》发表这么一篇文章,舆论导向似乎很明确哟。

    At the World AIDS Day that day ," Guangzhou Daily " published an article so that public opinion seems to be very clear yo .

  23. 本文依托《广州日报》这一典型个案,探讨党报的市场化生存这一具有普遍性意义的课题。

    Based on the typical case of Guangzhou Daily , this dissertation deals with a issue of general significance & Chinese party newspapers ' marketization .

  24. 据《广州日报》上周日报道,我国多家银行已将跨行取款收费上调至每笔四元,是之前收费金额的两倍。

    Chinese banks have doubled the fees on withdrawing cash from other banks'ATMs to four yuan per withdrawal , the Guangzhou Daily reported on Sunday .

  25. 《广州日报》称,对许多年轻人来说,每年的2月14日是一个隆重的节日,然而,有人却选择另类的方式度过情人节。

    While most young people celebrate Valentine 's Day on Feb. 14 every year , others find entire new arrangements for this grand tradition , Guangzhou Daily reported .

  26. 然而,这些玩具的一些微笑部件让很多家长担忧:这些部件会对孩子有害。《广州日报》在周三如是报道。

    However , some tiny and acuate parts of the toys are making parents uneasy , fearful they might hurt their children , Guangzhou Daily reported on Wednesday .

  27. 我国自1996年1月广州日报社正式挂牌成立报业集团以来,现在已经发展了16家报业集团。

    The first newspaper industry group was founded by Guangzhou Daily in January 1996 in Guangzhou . Since then there have been 16 newspaper industry groups in our country .

  28. 据《广州日报》的报道,喇培康说,我认为这部影片很有可能申报明年的奥斯卡。

    I think there is a big possibility that this film will bid for the Oscar next year , Mr. La said , according to a report in Guangzhou Daily .

  29. 《广州日报》报道称,在其女儿从企图绑架中获救后,一家庭卖掉了豪宅豪车,搬到了一个普遍居民区居住。

    The Guangzhou Daily reported that one family sold their luxurious house and cars and moved to an ordinary residential area after their daughter was rescued from an attempted kidnapping .

  30. 据《广州日报》报道,日本近日暂停使用疑致日本4名儿童死亡的两款疫苗,分别为由美国辉瑞公司生产的“沛儿”和法国赛诺菲安万特的“安尔宝”疫苗。

    Japan has stopped using the US 's Pfizer Inc 's Prevenar and France 's Sanofi Aventis SA 's ActHIBor vaccines while it investigates the deaths of4 children who were inoculated .