
  • 网络new good man;Sentra;Tyler Perry's Good Deeds;snag
  1. 刘仪伟:我就是那个新好男人

    Liu yiwei : I 'm the new good man

  2. 一旦我像响尾蛇蜕皮似地把脸换了,那么就会诞生一位健康、魅力无限的新好男人。进而,安吉莉娜和我将会收养更多的小孩。

    Once I 've discarded my face like a rattlesnake shedding its skin , a new , healthier , more attractive man will emerge , and Angelina and I will adopt more kids .

  3. 贝克汉姆转变成为人见人爱的新千年好男人,维多利亚功不可没,他们俩也双双成为世界上最有影响力的时尚潮流大师。

    She 's widely regarded as the driving force in his transformation to marketable new millennium man and together they 're amongst the world 's most influential trend-setters .