
  • 网络Singapore Permanent Resident;Singapore PR
  1. 警方说,他们已逮捕了27人,其中24人为印度籍,两人为孟加拉籍,一人是新加坡永久居民,年龄在23岁到45岁之间。

    Police said they arrested 27 people-24 Indian nationals , two Bangladeshis and one Singapore permanent resident , ages 23 to 45-who haven 't been named .

  2. 让我们协助您申请新加坡永久居民身份。

    We are able to assist you in applying for Singapore permanent residence through this scheme .

  3. 新加坡公民或永久居民。

    Be a Singapore citizen or permanent resident .

  4. 政府希望他们中许多人成为新加坡公民或永久居民,目标是在未来5年让其中24万人获得上述身份。

    It wants many of them to become citizens or permanent residents , with the goal of having 240000 of them gain this status in the next five years .

  5. WANG同学和到会的学生和家长们交流了在新加坡求学就业的心路历程,以及获得新加坡永久居民权的亲身感受。

    WANG QIAN communicated with students and their parents for the experience of studying and working in Singapore , and also the feeling about getting the permanent resident qualification in Signore .

  6. 再次覆盖面不同,新加坡的公积金制度覆盖了所有受雇的新加坡国民和永久性居民,它是全体民众的综合社会保障制度。

    It is a comprehensive social security system .