
  • 网络Stokes scattering
  1. 高压氢受激喇曼散射中一阶斯托克斯散射的参量四波混频过程

    Parametric four-wave mixing process in first order Stokes scattering of SRS in H_2

  2. 本文讨论了在高压H2受激喇曼散射中产生一阶斯托克斯散射的参量四波混频过程。

    The investigation of the four-wave mixing process in first Stokes scattering of SRS in H2 is presented in this paper .

  3. 在一定的条件下,这个空间分布可以由环状散射和轴向散射共同组成。本文对二阶反斯托克斯散射进行了实验研究,获得了环状散射和轴向散射对H2压力和泵浦强度的依赖关系。

    The dependence of two spatial distributions of second anti-Stokes scattering on hydrogen pressure and pump intensity is obtained experimentally .

  4. 提出了一种用于分布式光纤拉曼温度传感器的对称解调新方案,采用瑞利散射光时域反射仪(OTDR)曲线解调光纤的反斯托克斯散射光时域反射仪曲线。

    A new type of symmetrical demodulation method is proposed for the distributed fiber Raman temperature sensor . The anti-Stokes scattering optical time domain reflectometer ( OTDR ) curves are demodulated by Rayleigh optical time domain reflectometer curves .

  5. 受激喇曼&斯托克斯散射的增强因子

    Strengthening factor of stimulated raman-stokes scattering

  6. 本文讨论了高压氢受激拉曼散射中、反斯托克斯散射的两种空间分布。指出,随着外界条件的不同,反斯托克斯散射的空间分布是不同的。

    The two spatial distributions , collinear and noncollinear emission of anti-Stokes scattering are discussed in this paper .

  7. 通过实验分析,得到了受激拉曼散射一阶斯托克斯散射光的能量转化效率和能量稳定性的优化条件。

    By experimental analysis , the conditions for optimizing the energy conversion efficiency and energy stability of S1 have been gotten .

  8. 指出在一定的条件下,可以产生一阶斯托克斯散射的参量四波混频,并可以在能量转换过程中起重要作用。

    In certain conditions , the parametric four wave mixing process in first order Stokes can occur and it plays an important role in energy transfer .

  9. 非线性拉曼散射的特点之一就是拉曼散射过程中产生多级斯托克斯散射光和多级反斯托克斯散射光。

    One of characteristics of the nonlinear Raman scattering is existence of multi order Stokes spectral lines and multi anti-Stokes spectral lines in the Raman scattering process .

  10. 通过具体的理论分析,指出反斯托克斯散射光比斯托克斯散射光的温度灵敏度高,是此类系统解调温度信息的首选对象。

    The analysis shows that the anti Stokes light temperature sensitivity is much higher than Stokes light and it is why all such sensor systems generally use it for temperature information .

  11. 尿嘧啶的相干反斯托克斯Raman散射光谱研究

    Study on Coherent Anti - Stokes Raman Spectra of Uracil

  12. 本文主要研究了气体分子的相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射光谱(CARS)。

    The coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra ( CARS ) of gas are investigated in this paper .

  13. 与利用相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射(CARS)技术进行测温的实验结果相比,该测量的相对不确定度优于5%。

    Compared to the results of CARS , the uncertainty of the temperature field in the measurement is less than 5 % .

  14. 用Ar~+激光作光源,测量N2的反斯托克斯喇曼散射,从而测得室温下N2的平均振动弛豫寿命(?)为0.46±0.30soc·atm。

    Using an Ar + ion laser as the source we measured the anti-Stokes Raman scattering and obtained the vibrational relaxation time of N2 at room temperature to be 0.46 ± 0.30 sec · atm .

  15. 本文应用麦克斯韦电磁场理论推得了相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射(CARS)中的位相匹配条件,并由此给出了匹配角公式。

    In this paper the match condition of phase in the coherent anti-stokes Raman scatter is deduced according to the theory of Maxwell Electromagnetic Fields . And the formula of match angle is thus given .

  16. 相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射光谱的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation of Coherent Anti - stokes Raman Scattering Spectrum

  17. 本文介绍了采用宽带染料激光的相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射光谱技术。

    CABS technique with the broadband dye laser is described .

  18. 相干反斯托克斯-拉曼散射

    Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

  19. 针对1.55μm喇曼滤波器的隔离度不高的情况,提出了抑制背景噪声、热漂噪声积累、瑞利背向散射光窜扰反斯托克斯背向散射光的喇曼温度传感器的强循环解调方法。

    Because the isolation performance of Raman filter is not high , a new demodulation method is proposed to suppress the system background noise , heat excursion accumulation and anti-Stokes backward scattering intermingled with Rayleigh backward scattering .

  20. 低温下H2中的反斯托克斯受激喇曼散射

    Anti - Stokes stimulated Raman scattering in H_2 at low temperatures

  21. 本文采用小功率He-Ne激光及化学激励的方法,首次观察到了溶液中钠原子反斯托克斯受激喇曼散射谱线双频移效应,并讨论了它的产生条件。

    In this paper , for the first time , we obtain the double shift of frequency effect anti-stokes stimulated Raman scattering characteristic by using chemical stimulation and little power of He-Ne laser .

  22. 采用腔外单次通过方式测量了不同长度YVO4晶体1阶斯托克斯受激拉曼散射的阈值,并得到该晶体的稳态增益系数为16.0±0.5cm/GW。

    In an external single-pass configuration , the SRS thresholds for the first Stokes line were measured for different crystal lengths , and the steady-state gain coefficient was calculated to be 16.0 ± 0.5 cm / GW .

  23. 化学激励钠原子相干反斯托克斯受激喇曼散射

    Cohernt Anti-Stokes Stimulated Raman Scattering of Na Atoms by Using Chemical Stimulated

  24. 从理论上讨论了一阶和二阶斯托克斯与反斯托克斯拉曼散射截面的温度依赖关系;

    The temperature dependence of the Raman scattering cross section of first and second order Stokes and anti Stokes Raman processes was discussed theoretically .

  25. 对反斯托克斯和斯托克斯后向散射光的消除噪声的水平直接关系到整个系统的测温精度,因此必须采用微弱信号检测技术。

    The measurement accuracy of the whole system has relationship with the denoising level to anti-Stokes and Stokes back scattering . Weak signal measurement is must be used in this system .