
  • 网络literary phenomenon;literature phenomenon
  1. 从诗文看岳阳楼文学现象

    Watch the Building Literature Phenomenon of Yueyang from the Poetic Prose

  2. 论白马湖文学现象

    On the " White Horse Lake Literature Phenomenon "

  3. 对于这一文学现象,评论家们见仁见智。

    Literary critics have different points of view on this phenomenon .

  4. 白马湖文学现象的渊源与流衍

    The Origin and Spread of Phenomenon of " White-Horse-Lake Literature "

  5. 这种文学现象可以界定为皇家文学。

    This genre of literature can be called " royal literature " .

  6. 40年代的流行小说是一个独特的文学现象。

    The popular fictions in 1940s are unique in literature .

  7. 20世纪中国通俗文学现象思考

    A Study of the Popular Literature of the 20th Century

  8. 但所有这些文学现象背后都存在界定难的问题。

    But all of these literary phenomenon has defined problem .

  9. 希望有助于对这一客观存在的文学现象的直面审视。

    Wish to contribute to this literary phenomenon exists objectively .

  10. 理想主义的失落&90年代以来文学现象漫议

    Loss of Idealism & Discussion about Literary Phenomena since 1990s

  11. 特定的文学现象产生于特定的生存空间和特殊的文化语境。

    Specific literary phenomenon comes from specific living space and special cultural context .

  12. 闪光的性灵&对文学现象中人性的再认识

    The Shining Nature & a re-recognize to " human nature " in literature

  13. 大众文化影响下的当代文学现象

    Contemporary Literary Phenomena Under the Influence of Mass Culture

  14. 先秦诸子散文是特殊的文学现象。

    Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon .

  15. 80后文学现象研究

    The Study of " 80 's " Literary Phenomenon

  16. 二十世纪九十年代以来,女性性爱书写成为一种重要的文学现象。

    Female Sexual narrative is an important literature phenomenon in China since 1990 ' s.

  17. 改革文学现象论

    An Analysis of " Reform Literature " Phenomenon

  18. 这是个重要的文学现象。

    It is an important phenomena of literature .

  19. 以及文学现象与政治现象交相影响的关系等。力图在这种关系型讨论过程中,使《萧衍和梁代<清商曲辞>》这一课题具备一定的研究意义。

    And hand in the relation influenced etc. in literature phenomenon and political phenomenon .

  20. 其中俄罗斯侨民文学现象的研究显得十分突出。

    The phenomenon of the literature of the overseas Russian has been studied worldwide .

  21. 文学现象是一个历史阶段的时代精神被体现在相互影响的国家中的不同形态,同时期的文学现象有着相同的历史发展背景,又发生于不同国度与文化语境之中。

    Literature phenomenon is temporal spirit which is showed off different forms in inter-effected countries .

  22. 中国古代诗歌描写月亮的诗句多不胜数,形成了独特的文学现象。

    Description of the moon is one of the unique characteristics in ancient Chinese poems .

  23. 是一种文化,又是一种文学现象。

    Culture and literature mix upon it .

  24. 一些文学现象没有称谓,极碍于表达。

    There are no precise definitions of some literary phenomena , which hinders expression seriously .

  25. 新知青小说创作是一个与国家的改革开放进程相伴相生的文学现象。

    New novels on school leavers appeared simultaneously with opening up and reform in China .

  26. 他逐渐成为表达对中国文学现象不满的人。

    He grew to be the voice for Chinese discontent with our own literary scene .

  27. 文学现象包含社会学的因素。

    Literary phenomena involve sociological factors .

  28. 其次,深入挖掘岳阳楼文学现象中包蕴的精神内核;

    Secondly , excavate the spiritual kernel contained in the floor literature phenomenon of Yueyang thoroughly ;

  29. 文学现象是社会现象的反映。

    Literary phenomena reflect social realities .

  30. 这一文学现象与清代社会风气与清人审美观念有关。

    This literary phenomenon was affected by the social morals and esthetic ideas at that time .