
  • 网络The Literary Exchange;literary communication
  1. 鲁迅与中法文学交流是一个重要而研究尚不得深入的课题,从中可折射出法国文学对中国的影响,也为全面评价这些作家提供异域的文化参照。

    Lu Xun 's role in the literary exchange between China and France is a subject which is important and open to study since it shows the influence of French literature to Chinese literature and provides a foreign cultural reference to an overall evaluation of these writers .

  2. 朝鲜古代大诗人李齐贤曾经长期居留中国,为中朝文学交流做出了重要贡献,但是他在中国的生活和创作经历至今仍然有不少疑点。

    Yi Chehyn , a great poet in the ancient Korea , lived in China for a long time and made important contribution to the literary exchange between China and Korea .

  3. 寻找WTO法中的比例原则鲁迅与中法文学交流

    Searching for Proportionality in WTO Laws Lu Xun and Literary Exchange between China and France

  4. 因此,走向中和才是文化、文学交流的理想境界。

    Study on craft of neutral depickling of xylose hydrolysis fluid ;

  5. 6文学交流最为突出。

    Exchange in the field of literature were the most outstanding .

  6. 抗战时期重庆的中外文学交流抗战时期的一国两制

    Literature Exchange between Chongqing and Foreign Countries during Anti-Japanese War

  7. 鲁迅与中法文学交流

    Lu Xun and Literary Exchange between China and France

  8. 闽台文学交流管窥

    A Brief Introduction to Fujian and Taiwan Literature Exchange

  9. 《20世纪中外文学交流史》序

    Forward of History of 20th Century Sino-foreign Literary Communication

  10. 平衡与差异:五四时期中日文学交流史论

    Balance and Difference : On the History of the Exchange between Chinese and Japanese literature

  11. 步入近代的中日文学交流&以19世纪七、八十年代为中心

    Sino-Japanese Literature Exchange in the Early Modern Times : Centering on the 1870s and 1880s

  12. 然而,在中外文学交流的问题上,作为接受者的心态却有调整一下的必要。

    However , concerning the literature exchange between China and foreign countries , it is necessary .

  13. 评世纪之交的海峡两岸文学交流

    On the Literature Exchange Between the Mainland and Taiwan at the Beginning of the New Century

  14. 此外,本研究发现,会话含义在用来分析文学交流时,会产生许多独特的特征。

    In addition , some special features of the implicature theory are discovered when applied to literary communication .

  15. 从本文观、读者观以及文学交流理论三个维度逐一解读其具体内涵。

    In this view , readers and literature communication theory by three dimensions to understand the specific connotation .

  16. 文化生活出版社很好地沟通了南北文学交流,并翻译出版了大量外国文学名著。

    The publishing house communicated the literature between north and south , which also translated and published many foreign literature masterworks .

  17. 深入研究中西文学交流史上的意象之桥,可以为我们解决古诗与新诗、继承与创新、传统与现代等现代文学中的困境提供明鉴。

    The research of Imagist in China & Western literature history has provided a solution to the dilemma of Modern Chinese literature .

  18. 20世纪下半叶中外儿童文学交流综论

    A Synthetic View on the Exchanges of Chinese and Western Children ′ s Literature in the Latter Part of the 20th Century

  19. 表达了外语工作者虚心向作家学习,与他们一道努力,促进中外文学交流,使中国文学早日走向世界的真诚愿望。

    The foreign language learners hope to learn from the writers to promote literary exchanges and make Chinese literature known to the world .

  20. 这一切,显示了处于文化强势地位的中国小说对域外小说强大的影响力,及其在文学交流中不可取代的价值。

    Which showed how Chinese novels which were in a stronger civilization position affected out-of-territory novels , and their un-constitutional value in literature intercourse .

  21. 中日两国近现代历史、文化发展的不平衡决定了五四时期中日文学交流的不平衡。

    The unbalance in Chinese and Japanese modern and contemporary history and cultural development causes the unbalancing situation in the exchange between Chinese and Japanese literature .

  22. 旨在鼓励香港及澳门青年学子积极从事华文创作,以文会友,并藉此促进两地的文学交流。

    The magazine aims to foster literary creation and exchange with literature lovers , and promote literary interflow among young generation in Hong Kong and Macau .

  23. 周作人与日本文化的关系,是研究中日文学交流的一个热点问题。

    Discussion about the relations between Zhou Zuoren and Japanese culture is a hotspot for the research of the exchanges of contemporary literature between China and Japan .

  24. 文学交流能提高世界人民的精神境界,促进世界文学繁荣,增强各民族之间的友谊。

    The literary communication can improve the mental outlook of the world people , promote prosperity of world literature , and reinforce the friendship between different nations .

  25. 翻译是文化交流重要的媒介,随着新世纪中外文化与文学交流的频繁和深入,它的重要性也会与时俱增。

    In the world of today translation is considered as an important medium of cultural communication , which develops frequently and thoroughly between China and the West .

  26. 本章从语言与人的主体性关系角度切入,讨论文学交流过程中的主体问题。

    In this section , we try to give a full knowledge about subjects in the process of literary communication in terms of the relationship between language and subjectivity .

  27. 尽管五四以后直至70年代他几乎被中国现代诗歌遗忘,但却永远不会在中美文学交流史的记忆里消失。

    Although he was almost neglected by Chinese modern poems from the May 4th Movement until 1970s , he will never vanish from the Sino - America literary communication history .

  28. 中朝两国自古以来的文学交流一直都很频繁,朝鲜受中国文化的影响,与中国有着许多相似的地方。

    Since ancient times , the literary exchanges between China and North Korea have been very frequently , North Korea has been affected by the Chinese culture and they have many similarities .

  29. 在对残卷逐字校读的基础上,从《诗经》文献学和中日文学交流史两方面,论述了其可贵的研究价值。

    On the basis of proofreading the tome word for word , its value-studying is discussed from two aspects of the Book of Songs s philology and the literary communion history of Japan-China .

  30. 南北文学交流和互动是融合的表现形态,在南北文学交流的不少途径中,本章具体论述聘使往来中的文学交流,士人迁徙所导致的南北文学交流。

    The exchange and interaction of North-South literature is a form of integration . There are a lot of exchanging ways in the North-South literature , and this chapter mainly discusses the exchange brought by the diplomatic envoys and caused by the migration of literati and intellectuals .