
  1. 而在过去的几天里,美国东海岸任何持有充满电的手机、iPad或笔记本电脑的人,都会遭到短信、推文和电子邮件的持续轰炸。

    Over the past few days , however , anybody on the east coast of America with a charged phone , iPad or laptop was continuously bombarded with texts , tweets and emails .

  2. 《河北省科学院学报》载文和引文统计分析

    Citation statistics and analysis of Journal of the Hebei Academy of Sciences

  3. 《解剖学杂志》2003年载文和引文的统计分析

    A statistic analysis of papers and citations on Chines Journal of Anatomy in 2003

  4. 2000&2005年《新世纪图书馆》载文和作者及引文的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis on Papers , Authors and Citations in from 2000 to 2005

  5. 《金属热处理》2001~2004年载文和引文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Articles and Citations Carried by " Heat Treatment of Metals " During 2001-2004

  6. 其中,双语库段落对齐是指找出源文和译文中对应的翻译段落的对齐过程。

    Paragraph alignment is to find the translation paragraph pairs between source text and target text .

  7. 《长江科学院院报》1994~1998年载文和引文分析

    Published Articles and Citation Analysis of Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute in 1994  ̄ 1998

  8. 辽代主要通行的文字是契丹文和汉文。

    The Khitan dialect and the Han language were the main languages used in the Liao Dynasty .

  9. 宰登文和核武器的消息是如此广泛流传、受到广大市民的欢迎。

    The news of Sai Thein Win and the nuclear weapons were so popular among the public now .

  10. 本文以《铁粉二次还原工艺》一文和为期三年的生产实践为基础,对铁粉二次还原工艺中的有关工序进行论述。

    The results of The Second Reduction process of Iron powder based on practice for three years and its process route are discussed .

  11. 管理阶层专用文和欧盟蠢话是拉丁语最糟糕的一面,但是学习它可以帮你穿越这些混乱重拾清晰。

    Management-Speak and euro-blather are Latin at its worst , but learning it will still help you cut through them to find clarity .

  12. 首先,结合裴文和包惠南等对文化语境的分类,得出了本文的文化语境分类。

    First of all a new classification of cultural context is formed by combining the classification versions of Pei Wen and Bao Huinan .

  13. 本文共分七个部分:引言,论述选题的意义和价值。第一章,诔文和碑文研究。

    This paper is divided into seven chapters : the first chapter , cited title , discussed topics of the meaning and value .

  14. 武器附魔冰锋符文和巫妖斩除符文现在不会使杀戮机器天赋被过度频繁的触发。

    The weapon enchants Rune of Razorice and Rune of Lichbane will no longer cause the Killing Machine talent to be triggered more often .

  15. 同样,需要纳入新的搜索结果不单有新的网页,还有新的媒体形式,比如推文和音频流。

    Equally , new results will need to be incorporated new web pages , but also new media types such as tweets or audio streams .

  16. 在我国像晓文和许多其他残疾人这样的人,使我们明白给每个人受教育的机会的重要性。

    People like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taught us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education .

  17. 《亡灵书》包含了他一路上需要用到的祈祷文和咒语,以及它们的操作方法;

    The Book of the Dead contained the prayers and spells and instructions for how to use them that he would need on the trip ;

  18. 本文首先对泉州和扬州发现的几方叙利亚文和一方回鹘文景教铭文一一转写、标音、汉译并考释;

    First , this paper rewrites , translates , examines and explains several Syrian inscriptions and one Huihe inscription of Nestorianism excavated in Quanzhou and Yangzhou ;

  19. 构件视角的秦简牍文和楚简帛文构形差异比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Configuration Differences between Characters on Qin Bamboo Slips and Characters on Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Books in the Perspective of Components

  20. 一个欢迎所有博客帖文和推特留言的网上思想市场也会激励下一代创新者为我们的经济带来动力。

    The digital marketplace of ideas that welcomes every blog and tweet is the same one that inspires the next generation of innovators to fuel our economies .

  21. 有意者请尽快将简历(文和英文)照片、系电话、望薪金寄至本公司。合则约见。

    Please send detailed CV ( both in English and Chinese ) with Photo , Phone number , salary expected to Diehl Metall ( Shenzhen ) Co. , Ltd.

  22. 为了帮助人们阅读原著,我们把《弟子规》翻译为白话文和英语,在本网站刊登。

    Therefore , to help with accessing the original , we 've translated Di Zi Gui into plain vernacular ( modern day spoken ) Chinese and English on this website .

  23. 《元典章》中保留了非常丰富的元代语言资料,它的语言是元代白话文和文言文的混合体,其中包含有大量的俗语词和公文用语。

    And the language of this book is a combination of classic Chinese and spoken Chinese of Yuan Dynasty , so it contains lots of common sayings and official usage .

  24. 因此,以序文和下文规定的相互之间的约定为对价,双方同意、承认并承诺如下规定的条款。

    NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth , the Parties agree , acknowledge and undertake on the terms set out below .

  25. 并根据环发[2003]101号文和其它相关法规、国内外先进清洁生产水平和污染物排放标准等主要依据确定了评价标准。

    The evaluation criterions have been established according to national environment bureau order No.101 ( 2003 ) and other related regulations , domestic and foreign advanced cleaner production levels and pollutants discharge standards .

  26. 运用文献计量学的统计方法,对《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)19992003年5年间刊文和引文情况进行了统计和分析,并就有关的问题进行了探讨。

    Applying bibliometric statistical methods to count and analyse the papers . And citations used in Journal of Liaoning Normal University ( Natural Science Edition ) in thd years from 1999 to 2003.Some issues concerned were explored .

  27. 又通过序文和历史事实的对比研究得出,《唐陆宣公集》虽然是年羹尧的家刻本,校订者和刻工都是南方人,但却刻竣于陕西。

    It is further proved , by comparison between its preface and historical records , that though Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji , whose proof-reader and carver is south people , belongs to Nian Gengyao s collection .

  28. 我看不到实时的比分增加,我不知道该关注哪些帐号才能看到有关这场比赛的最精彩的内容,篮球方面的推文和所有其他一般性的推文混在在一起。

    I couldn 't see a running score , I didn 't know whose accounts to follow for the best stuff about the game , and basketball tweets were mixed in with ordinary posts about everything else .

  29. 有些历史学家对乌龟壳、金石文和地下挖出来的其他古东西还要去考,而这些同志对我们的时间不长的东西,却根本不理,也懒得去查。

    Some historians take pains to study even Oracle bones , inscriptions on bronzes and stone tablets and other relics of the ancient past which have been unearthed , whereas these comrades pay not the least heed to our recent past and don 't bother to look into it .

  30. 正确处理学习文言文和学习白话文的关系,学习文言文不是为了让学生写文言文章,学文言文和写文言文是两码事。

    Fourthly , correctly settle the relationship between the study of classical Chinese and that of modern Chinese because the aim of learning classical Chinese is not for students to write articles in classical Chinese and learning the classical Chinese and write articles in classical Chinese are not the same .