
  • 网络Hosokawa
  1. 细川说,日本人有一种罕见的赏识此类畸形的审美感。

    Hosokawa says the Japanese have a rare sense of beauty that appreciates such deformities .

  2. 细川让我看了木桶大小的窑炉,他的大部分作品都是在这个窑炉里烧出来的。

    Hosokawa shows me the barrel-sized kiln in which he fires much of his work .

  3. 细川宣布辞职,羽田少数派政权正式成立是日本政界改组的第二幕。

    Its second act was the establishment of the Hata 's minority government .

  4. 细川给我出了个难题,要我形容一下这间茶室。

    Hosokawa challenges me to describe it .

  5. 细川并没有等上几十年。

    Hosokawa has not waited decades .

  6. 村史朗把细川通常会得到他人尊重的前首相称为一个“笨老头”。

    Tsujimura called Hosokawa a former prime minister who would normally expect to command reverence a " stupid old man " .

  7. 他的卫生部长细川也陷入麻烦,因为政府混乱的处理方式,在帮助那些没有收到退休金的家庭主妇们。

    His health minister , Ritsuo Hosokawa , is also under fire for the government 's messy handling of efforts to help housewives who mistakenly failed to pay their pension premiums .

  8. 细川这位年迈的学徒而且是古老官宦世家的后代不得不从早上6点至晚上7点坐到一个轮子前面,观摩师傅工作。

    Hosokawa , the ageing apprentice and one from an old aristocratic family at that was obliged to sit in front of a wheel from six in the morning till seven at night watching the master at work .