
  • Fine snow;【电影】Sasameyuki/The Makioka Sisters
  1. 但最重要的,是当细雪纷飞时

    But most of all , When snow flakes fall

  2. 一个个小火山引燃了火炬台,烟花照亮整座体育场,安排好的细雪从天而降。

    Volcanoes spewed fire , fireworks lit up the stadium and soft flurries of snow fell on command from the sky .

  3. 透过飘飘洒洒的绒毛细雪,她看到邻居们的屋顶边缘上挂着明亮的圣诞彩灯。

    Through fluffy flakes that were now drifting down , she saw the cheery Christmas lights edging the roof lines of her neighbors ' homes .