
  • 网络Master plan;Integrated Planning
  1. 在传统的电力供应侧装机计划模型及计划过程的基础上,确定了电力供应侧与需求侧整体计划模型的基本框架结构;

    Based on the conventional supply-side capacity expanded planning model and planning procedure , a basic frame of supply-side and demand-side integrated planning model is determined ;

  2. 粪便(污水)收集船雨水排放整体计划研究

    Slops collecting ship Drainage Master Plan Studies

  3. 他的所有行为对整体计划有帮助

    All his actions were in subservience to the general plan .

  4. Ward说,重建日期表和费用估算都不切实际,并且没有加速进度的整体计划。

    Ward says schedules and cost estimates for the rebuilding were not realistic and that there was no overall decision making process .

  5. 佩洛西指出,民主党已经开始制定第二个刺激经济的整体计划。

    Pelosi noted that Democrats are already working on a second economic-stimulus package .

  6. 经过周密考虑的整体计划,可使各部门间的活动协调一致。

    Well-considered overall plans unify interdepartmental activities .

  7. 面向培训的整体计划与管理方法研究

    Research on Master-planning and Management for Training

  8. 2整体计划方法在培训工作中的最终效果是通过评估结果来体现的。

    Training evaluation result will reflect the final effect of the Master Planning Method in training .

  9. 牛尾海污水收集整体计划研究

    Port Shelter Sewerage Master Plan Study

  10. 政府计划实施一连串污水收集整体计划,改善本港的污水收集网络。

    The government plans to improve the local sewerage networks under a series of sewerage master plans .

  11. 雨水排放整体计划研究

    Drainage Master Plan Studies

  12. 雨水排放整体计划研究社员们冒雨开沟排水。

    Drainage Master Plan Studies The commune members dug ditches in the rain to lead away the flow .

  13. 为了改善泳滩水质,环保署于1993年手拟定屯门污水收集整体计划。

    The Tuen Mun sewerage master plan , drafted in1993 , was aimed at improving beach water quality in the district .

  14. 目前,中国博物馆志愿者存在着发展不平衡、缺乏科学的整体计划、培训机制和激励机制不科学等问题。

    At present , the Chinese Museum volunteers there are uneven development , lack of scientific master plans , training and incentive mechanisms unscientific .

  15. 本论文结合天津国际学校汉语培训项目,针对上述问题进行了系统研究,并分析了过程跟踪与状态反馈等问题在整体计划中所起的作用。

    A systematic research for the topics mentioned above has been done based upon the Chinese language training program of Tianjin International School . Where Are the Quality Chinese Classes ?

  16. 此外,渠务署还进行了七项雨水排放整体计划研究,范围覆盖全港所有易受水浸威胁的地区,全面评估雨水排放系统的状况和效用。

    The DSD is also commissioning seven Drainage Master Plan Studies to review the condition and performance of the existing stormwater drainage systems in all flood-prone areas in Hong Kong .

  17. 但由于它基础性的性质往往被企业的决策者和高层管理者所忽视,导致诸如机械加工核心部件企业忽略了对物料进行整体计划、协调和控制。

    But its basic properties of enterprises are often ignored by senior managers and decision makers , such as mechanical processing core components to ignore enterprise overall planning , coordination and control .

  18. 上海的粮食计划供应是国家整体计划的一部分,国家统购统销政策的出台直接导致了上海粮食计划供应制度的生成。

    Shanghai Food plan supply is the part of National whole plan , The enaction of the Central Purchase and Supply of Grain directly resulted in the creation of Shanghai Food plan supply system .

  19. 我们未能实现和平与进步将是一个倒退,不仅是对阿富汗人民,而且是对实现集体安全利益的整体计划和集体行动的挫折。

    Our failure to bring peace and progress would be a setback , not only to the people in Afghanistan , but to the entire enterprise and collective action in the interest of collective security .

  20. 本文基于灰色动态模型,以每年初级汉语水平人数通过比率为预测指标,实现汉语培训整体计划的长期目标预测。

    Based on Grey Dynamic Model , an index of yearly number of primary Chinese language level students is used in this research for predicting the long - term goals for the Chinese language training program .

  21. 这也是检查哪些文书工作应该被永久删除的好机会。从整体计划的角度来看,很多我们在做的文书编排工作都是不需要的。

    This is also a good time to look at what paperwork needs to be eliminated on a permanent basis , as well . Much of the paper-shuffling we do is unneeded in the big scheme of things .

  22. 在培训管理理论方面,本论文将整体计划理论与方法应用于现代培训管理中,这包括培训需求分析、培训组织结构、培训计划的制定与实施、培训效果的评估等。

    Master Planning Theory has also been applied into training management through this research , which including analysis of training need , organization structure for training firms , planning and application of training strategy , training evaluation system , etc.

  23. 作为其在该地区整体扩张计划的一部分,法国电信将为其非洲和中东的android客户预装百度开发的移动浏览器。

    As part of a broader expansion in the region , France Telecom will pre-install the baidu-based mobile browser for its Android customers in Africa and the Middle East .

  24. 领导人们同意,建立一个融入更大方案中的基金,用来资助《非洲科技整体行动计划》(ConsolidatedPlanofAction),这个基金将由现有机构管理。

    They agreed on a fund that would piggyback onto a wider plan to finance the Consolidated Plan of Action ( see Support urged for US $ 160m plan for African science ) managed by an existing organisation .

  25. 进行社区整体管理计划,推行GINA和综合防治措施,可有效控制哮喘发作,减少医药费用支出,提高患儿生活质量。

    Community integrated management plan , the implementation of GINA and comprehensive prevention and control measures , which can effectively control the occurrence of asthma , reduce medical costs , improve the quality of life of patients.18 .

  26. 递阶流水线整体生产计划的研究

    Study for Integrated Production Planning of Hierarchical Flow Line

  27. 定期公布的向前推展整体重建计划

    Routine roll-forward of the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme

  28. 愉景湾整体发展计划

    Discovery Bay Development Master Plan

  29. 当上帝把一项任务交给你时,就有整体的计划。

    God knows how this task fits into the overall plan for his kingdom and for us .

  30. 这是一种事后聪明的做法(或者是“不考虑”),而不是整体的计划考虑。

    It is an afterthought ( or a " never-thought ") rather than an integral planning consideration .