
shù liànɡ yí chuán xué
  • quantitative genetics
  1. 随着分子数量遗传学的发展,人们提出了很多统计模型用于QTL定位分析。

    With the development of molecular quantitative genetics , many statistical models are proposed for mapping quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) .

  2. QTL定位分析则属于分子数量遗传学范畴,是数量遗传学与分子遗传学相结合的产物,是当今遗传学研究中的一个热点。

    Being a hotspot in genetic studies , QTL mapping is a powerful tool in molecular quantitative genetics , which is an inter-discipline between quantitative genetics and molecular genetics .

  3. 本文运用申农(Shannon)提供的最大熵原理,提出一种构成单一综合性状的新方法,并以此与数量遗传学中的多元统计法作了比较。

    This paper describes a novel method using maximum entropy principle introduced by Shannon to construct a unique integrated character and gives a comparison between this method and multivariate statistics in quantitative genetics .

  4. 根据数量遗传学原理和杂交育种实践,并以16个小麦单交组合为材料,探讨了F2代组合和单株选择的相对重要性以及F1组合评选的可行性和适宜参数。

    Based on principle of quantitative genetics , the importance of F 2 cross selection and the possibility of F 1 cross selection were studied by using materials of 16 single crosses in wheat yield breeding .

  5. 应用数量遗传学的方法分析了水稻二化螟(Chilosuppressalis)对杀螟硫磷抗药性的遗传力,并就遗传力和杀虫剂的杀死率对抗性发展速率的影响进行了预测。

    With the method of probit analysis , we estimated the realized heritability ( h2 ) of resistance to fenitrothion in the rice stem borer ( Chilo suppressalis Walker ) .

  6. 近年来,分子数量遗传学的快速发展,使作物复杂数量性状尤其是经济性状的QTL研究取得了巨大进展,大大促进了复杂数量性状的遗传改良和分子操纵。

    With the rapid development of molecular quantitative genetics , the QTL mapping of crop complex quantitative traits , especially economic traits , has made great progress in these years . This promotes the genetic improvement and molecular manipulation of those complex quantitative traits .

  7. 基于数量遗传学的全同胞组内相关分析法,利用SPSS软件的一般线性模型(GLM)过程计算表型变量的原因方差组分,估算了泥鳅4月龄生长性状的遗传力。

    According to quantitative genetics theory , causal components of phenotypic variance were calculated with the General Line model ( GLM ) procedure of the SPSS software , and the heritability of some growth traits of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus at 4 months were statistically studies .

  8. 数量遗传学的新发展&数量性状基因图谱的构建和应用

    Advances in Quantitative Genetics & TL Mapping and Its Application

  9. 运用数量遗传学方法估计出这些行为的遗传力,从而找出小鼠异常行为的遗传作用机理。

    Quantitative genetics were chose to estimate the heritability of these behaviors .

  10. 玉米耐旱性鉴定及其数量遗传学研究

    Studies on Maize Drought Tolerance and Its Quantitative Genetics

  11. 动物育种工作是涉及数量遗传学、经济学的一项复杂的系统工程。

    Animal breeding is a complicated system engineering involving the Quantity Genetics and Economics .

  12. 作物数量遗传学基础&六、配合力:不完全双列杂交

    The Basis of Quantitative Genetics in Crops ⅵ . Combining Ability : Incomplete Diallel Cross

  13. 分子数量遗传学的发生与发展带动了动物分子育种学的兴起。

    Animal molecular breeding is developing quickly with the generation and development of molecular quantitative genetics .

  14. 应用数量遗传学原理,研究了西葫芦3个杂交组合5个果实性状的遗传效应。

    By using principles of quantitative genetics , genetic effects of five fruit characters of summer squash were analyzed .

  15. 数量遗传学在家蚕育种上的应用概述家蚕育种个体、蛾区自动称量与选择系统

    APPLICATION OF QUANTITATIVE GENETICS IN SILKWORM BREEDING Automatic weighing and selection system of individual cocoon and batch measuring in silkworm breeding

  16. 在遗传算法中,提出了一种新的编码方法&两层编码.这种编码来源于分子数量遗传学中的遗传机制。

    We propose a new kind of encoding for the genetic algorithms , called two layer encoding , which comes from the genetics mechanism in molecular genetics .

  17. 双列杂交分析是经典数量遗传学中应用最为广泛的一种重要的遗传分析方法,推动了遗传研究与育种实践的发展。

    Diallel analysis has been broadly used as an important tool of genetic analysis in classical quantitative genetics , which advanced the development of genetics studies and breeding practices .

  18. 本文采用生物统计和数量遗传学方法、分析了辐照剂量为0(对照)、15、25、35KR的铯&137γ射线对二个小麦品种的诱变效应及其选择效果;

    Methods of biostatistics and quantitative genetics were adopted to analyse irradiation effectiveness and selection potential of wheat varieties irradiated by ~ ( 137 ) Cs gamma rays with 0,15,25,35 krad .

  19. 根据道格拉斯•斯科特•福尔科纳的《数量遗传学导论》,0.5的近交系数会导致孩子在10岁时的智商平均下降22点,身高会减少10厘米。

    According toD . S. Falconer 's Introduction to Quantitative Genetics , an inbreedingcoefficient of 0.50 would result in an average of a 22-point reduction in IQand a 4-inch reduction in height at age ten .

  20. 利用数量遗传学方法,在低钾土壤上研究耐低钾基因型玉米植株茎秆长度性状和苗期叶片耐性指数的遗传模型及其关系。

    The genetic model and the relationship between the character of haulm height and the tolerance index of leaves seeding stage were studied by the method of quantitative genetics in maize tolerating low-potassium in low-potassium field .

  21. 转座因子对遗传变异、宗系进化、突变频率、物种形成、新基因的产生以及对分子生物学、遗传工程学、群体遗传学和数量遗传学等方面的研究都有着重要的意义。

    P transposable element plays an important pole in the researches on genetic change , lineage evolution , mutation frequency , molecular biology , genetics engineering , population genetics , species formation , new genes production and quantitative genetics .

  22. 随着分子数量遗传学及其相关学科的发展,有关动物遗传标记辅助选择方面的研究也在不断深入,且已经在动物遗传改良中有了一些成功应用的示例。

    With the development of molecular and quantitative genetics and its related subjects , it made a great progress on the research about animal genetic marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) . There were also some successful examples on the application of MAS to animal genetic improvement .

  23. 随着分子遗传学、计算机科学、信息科学和现代生物技术的迅速发展,由分子遗传学与数量遗传学结合产生的新兴交叉学科&分子数量遗传学也得到了一定的发展,并为动物分子育种奠定了理论基础。

    With the rapid development of molecular genetics , computer science , information science and modern biotechnology , molecular quantitative genetics , as a result of combination of molecular ge - netics and quantitative genetics , also developed very fast and it served as the basis of animal molecular breeding .

  24. 加速氩(~(40)Ar)离子对水稻数量性状的辐射遗传学效应研究

    Studes on the irradiation genetics effects of accelerated argon - ions on the quantitative characters of rice

  25. 成人身高是一种复杂数量性状,很多遗传学研究在不同的人群中已经展开。而在中国人群,这个世界上最大的人群,中却几乎还是空白。

    Adult height ( stature ), as a complex quantitative trait , has been studied in different populations .