
  • 网络Array Variables;Array;indexed variable
  1. SuperObject类中的主要功能,与处理永久性数组变量相关

    The main functions in the SuperObject class relate to handling of persisted array variables

  2. 每次评估while()条件时,odbcfetcharray()就返回一个名为$row的数组变量,表示所需的行。

    Each time the while () condition is evaluated , odbc_fetch_array () returns an array variable named $ row representing the requested row .

  3. json修饰符前面必须加上@字符,这样数组变量就可以传递到jsonmodifier()。

    The json modifier must be preceded by the @ character so that the array variable can be passed to json_modifier () .

  4. 在这个例子中,开发人员忘记构建数组变量时考虑终止符。

    In this particular example , the developer forgot to take the termination string into consideration when building an array variable .

  5. 如果你给数组变量应用单值变量的调节,结果是数组的每个值都被调节。

    If you apply a modifier to an array variable instead of a single value variable , the modifier will be applied to every value in that array .

  6. 然后对约束系统进行求解,得到其最小解,并对求出的各个数组变量的容量和下标范围进行比较,以此判断是否存在数组越界。

    After that , we solve the constraint system to get its least solution and compare the capacity with the index range of the array variable to judge whether there is a vulnerability .

  7. 它其实是数组变量的,图形化,具体化,这个游戏实际上是与人交互的,如周三看到的,我正要离开我的房子。

    That 's just a graphical incarnation of this thing called an array and notice , the games can , in fact , interact with a human much like Wednesday , I 'm leaving my house .

  8. 利用此抽象内存模型辅助符号执行被测路径,把路径执行过程中复杂结构体、字符串和数组变量的语义操作映射到对抽象内存的操作,通过抽象内存来精准的记录路径的约束条件。

    The semantic operation of the statement of complex structure , string and array variable is mapped to the operation of abstract memory on symbolic execution of the path , and the constraint of the path is recorded exactly in the abstract memory .

  9. 本文主要介绍了针对Java语言中的部分语句、表达式和数组类型变量的BTA方面的分析、设计和实现,接着完成了标注程序的生成。

    This thesis presents the analysis , design and realization of the binding-time analysis of part of statements , expressions and array type variable for Java , and the producing of annotated program which represent the result of binding-time analysis .

  10. APFC实现了数组共享变量的识别和相关性分析,能够自动搜索帧内同步和通信点,并自动生成并行划分后的节点源程序。

    Several key techniques of automatic parallelization are applied in APFC . APFC can automatically recognize variables shared in the array , analyse the data dependency and find the communication and synchronization points .

  11. 流场类问题并行化中数组共享变量的自动搜索

    Automatic searching for arrays ' shared variables in parallelizing flowfield applications

  12. 使我了解了数组、变量、子程序等的运用。

    I understand the array , variable , and use of such procedure .

  13. 命名的参数数组不能大于变量数组。

    Named parameter array cannot be bigger than argument array .

  14. 目前不支持访问数组、实例变量和对象引用。

    Accessing arrays , instance variables , and object references are not supported as of now .

  15. 这些是位置、文本内容和颜色、字体大小、淡入和淡出速度(以毫秒为单位)及保存显示字符串的数组的默认变量。

    These are the default variables for the position , text contents , and color , font size , fade-in and fade-out speed in milliseconds , and an array to hold the display string .

  16. 请注意SQL字符串中的问号(?),它表示odbcexecute()函数的串行数组中定义的变量。

    Note the question mark (?) in the SQL string , which denotes the variables defined in the serial array of the odbc_execute () function .

  17. 第三,数据变换,包括数组重构变换、变量重组变换、将静态数据转换为与程序相关的数据和数值变量混合变换;

    The third is data transformations including restructuring arrays , reconstructing variables , converting static data to procedural data and merging scalar variables .

  18. 多维数据分析的关键是生成多维数据立方体,立方体实质上就是一个多维数组,是维和变量的组合表示。

    The linchpin of multi-dimension analysis is to build multi-dimension data cube , essential of which is a multi-dimension array , and is the combination express of dimension and variable .

  19. 返回值是一个数组,文件全部读入数组变量。

    Return value is an array , the papers are all read into the array variable .

  20. 尽管看起来不明显,但是上面的长字符串实际上只是一个数组;将这个数组放进JavaScript变量之后,就可以很轻松地访问它。

    While it might not be obvious , that lengthy string above is just an array , and once you 've got that array in a JavaScript variable , you can access it easily .

  21. 要创建一个类型为a[m]的一维数组(这里的m是一个已经被定义和初始化的整数变量),可以在UML模型中在这个数组变量a上运行cpptype原型。

    To create a single dimensional array of the type a [ m ] ( where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized ), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model .

  22. 它在这个数组中迭代,并把每个值作为已经命名的pageContext()级的Stringmountain[]数组变量返回(即id=“mountain”)。

    It iterates through this array and return each value as a mountain [ ] pageContext () - level String array variable ( that is , id = " mountain ") that I have named .