
  • 网络Data Distribution;Data Distribute
  1. 应用集成框架是基于数据分发服务(datadistributionservice)规范的战场信息分发中间件平台,满足战场应用环境。

    Application integration framework is based on battlefield information distribution middleware platforms which suits Data Distribution Service specification and meets the battlefield environment .

  2. P2P技术在媒体数据分发上的优势也越来越得到展现。

    P2P technology has shown great advantage on media data distribution .

  3. 基于IP多播的数据分发系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Data Distributing System Based on Multi-cast

  4. 面向移动GIS的海量影像数据分发服务研究

    A Study on the Distribution of Massive Image Data for Mobile GIS

  5. P2P流媒体系统中并发请求的数据分发算法

    Data Distribution Scheme for Concurrent Query in P2P Streaming Media Systems

  6. HLA(HighLevelArchitecture)提供了数据分发管理机制,为提高系统的可伸缩性提供了可能。

    HLA ( high level architecture ) provides the mechanism of data distribution management and the possibility for improving the system scalability .

  7. SQLServer性能团队对于在并行环境中使用平衡数据分发器提供了更多最佳实践信息。

    The SQL Server Performance Team provides more information on best practices for using the Balanced Data Distributor in parallel environments .

  8. 基于DDS模型的数据分发中间件的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of data distribution service based on DDS

  9. DIS与HLA的数据分发机制研讨

    Enter into Data Distributed Mechanism Based on DIS and HLA

  10. 数据分发管理是HLA接口规范中定义的六大服务之一。

    DDM is one of the six service categories defined in the HLA Interface Specification .

  11. 其中,基于P2P网络的流媒体数据分发策略更是当前研究的热点。

    Among them . the data distribution policy based on the P2P network is the current hot spot .

  12. Internet环境下的数据分发是一种在广域网中将数据发送到多个节点的网络计算技术,在很多领域都有广泛的研究与应用。

    Data dissemination under the Internet environment aims to send data to many nodes across the wide area networks , which is studied and applied in many fields .

  13. 文章介绍了HLA中数据分发管理DDM的基本内容;

    This paper introduces the basic concept of DDM in HLA ;

  14. 基于SQLDMO和ActiveX的数据分发监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data Distribution System ( DDS ) Based on SQL_DMO and ActiveX

  15. 而RTI中的数据分发管理DDM就是专门为实现数据过滤而设计的。

    In RTI , DDM is specially designed to filter data .

  16. 卫星数据分发系统中的分组级FEC技术性能分析

    The Performance Analysis of Applying Packet Level FEC to Satellite Data Distribution Systems

  17. MS:大多数的开源产品在使用上都有很多限制,要么集群数量太少,没有提供数据分发功能、要么没有提供一个完整的平台。

    MS : Most open source offerings are far more limited in scope-either to smaller clusters , not offering data distribution , or not offering a complete platform .

  18. 用户通过手工颁发的CA认证后,实现身份确认,建立电子证书,然后采用流程控制组件进行数据分发收集。

    After the user passed manual issued CA certification , and confirmed the identity , established e-Cert , and then issued and collected data through the process control components .

  19. 数据分发系统的核心技术是新一代的互连总线技术&StarFabtic技术,而不是传统的PCI总线技术。

    The key technology of high speed data-distribution system is not traditional PCI bus technology , but new generation of interconnect bus technology & StarFabric technology .

  20. 虽然网络编码源于IP组播,并被证明能提升组播网络中的数据分发性能,但由于技术和非技术上的挑战,IP组播并没有在现有互联网上得到大规模的部署和应用。

    Due to the technical and non-technical reasons , the IP multicast based data delivery system which the network coding original proposed for has not been widely implemented in the network till now .

  21. IPTV数据分发的高效性是影响IPTV客户终端服务质量重要因素之一。

    One important factor to impact the quality of service delivered to end-users in IPTV is the efficiency to IPTV data delivery .

  22. 基于DCPS模型的数据分发服务DDS的研究

    Study of Data Distribution Service Based on DCPS Model

  23. 该文简述了DIS的特点及其局限,对HLA的发展背景、优势进行了论述,着重讨论了HLA中基于组播通讯的数据分发机制。

    Also discuss the background ? advantage of HLA . , with the emphases on the Data Distributed Mechanism ( DDM ) based on multicast ?

  24. Peersim上的模拟实验结果表明,CDM算法极大的降低了匹配的开销,适合对效率要求较高的快速数据分发应用。

    Simulations show that CDM algorithm greatly reduces the matching cost , and is an excellent candidate for flash data dissemination .

  25. 最后通过形式化描述、与先前规范的比较、算法复杂度和NP完全性的研究,深刻地揭示出数据分发管理的本质。

    And it displays the essence of DDM by researching on DDM 's formalization , comparison about previous specification , algorithm computational complexity and NP-completeness .

  26. 无线adhoc网络体系结构的特点使得该网络特别适宜军事战术通信,而无线adhoc网络的组播协议则是实现战术前沿态势感知(SituationAwareness-SA)和指挥控制(Command&Control-C2)数据分发的有效手段。

    Wireless Ah hoc network is specially usable for military tactical communication with the architecture features . The Ad hoc multicast protocol is efficiency means for distributing of situation awareness and command & control data .

  27. 然而流媒体的质量并不能令人满意,主要原因在于传统流媒体系统建立在C/S基础上很容易导致服务器端的性能瓶颈,并不能有效地支持流媒体的大规模数据分发。

    However , the streaming quality is generally unsatisfactory , mainly due to the traditional streaming media system based on C / S framework easily lead to server-based performance bottlenecks , and can not effectively support the large-scale streaming data distribution .

  28. HLA提供了声明管理和数据分发管理服务来进行数据的分发,使联邦成员只接收它感兴趣的信息,从而减少上网的数据量。

    The HLA / RTI provides services of declaration management and data distributed management to distribute data in order to limit the messages received by federates to those of interest .

  29. 介绍了HLA中数据分发管理的过滤原理,研究分析了当前数据分发管理实现中的几种不同方法,改进并优化了一种数据分发管理实现策略&基于层次结构化(hiberarchybased)的数据过滤机制。

    The paper introduces the basic functions of data distribution management in HLA . Several current implementation approaches are studied and analyzed . An optimized solution of DDM implementation , the hiberarchy-based approach , is improved .

  30. 实现MDM系统就是为了解决这些问题,并提供把主数据分发给异类环境中各种应用程序的能力。

    An MDM System is implemented to resolve these types of problems and requires the ability to distribute master data to various applications in a heterogeneous environment .