- data elements

COUNT indicates how many data elements are contained in the event .
XML expresses information using four basic components & tags , attributes , data elements , and hierarchy .
The second key is working key preserved after being encrypted by primary key , it used to encrypt relevant data .
The methodology requires transforming each entry into a method and transforming each parameter into an XML data element .
The algorithm then sorts the remaining elements in the original dataset using quicksort and outputs the first N elements .
This process is repeated till the number of elements in the original dataset is less than k × N.
Almost every Lotus Notes application is based on one or more data element types .
The helper classes you generated in the previous step are used to map data elements between XML and Java .
You can also play with the selection functions , which let you extract elements of the data from the XML .
Lotus Notes applications frequently include navigators that list views of multiple data-element types broken out into major sections .
It concludes by showing you a technique for accessing data elements from a Relational Record List that consists of two related tables .
In the Lead Manager sample , many of the components broadcast not only when a data element is selected , but also when it is double-clicked .
Research on Relationship of Data - Elementary of the ATC Database
A data element type is a unit of information , represented in a Lotus Notes document with a collection of values .
The editor is implemented by a plug-in of the Eclipse platform , supports 22 data elements specified by relevant standards .
In the layout editor , delete the data element that BIRT automatically adds to the group header .
PDM manages the relationships between data elements to provide control of product components during the creation and revision processes .
ORM tools allow you to configure the mapping between data elements in a relational database with Java object properties .
Each LOM data element is similar to a Dublin Core metadata element , with some overlap between the two .
Therefore , specs are a way of extending the data model by using XML schemas and then managing some product data elements in XML form .
If your Lotus Notes application has several data elements , you might have one or more of these abstract types of components for each data element .
An extension generator is a Java class that is responsible for attaching one extension data element to an RRD request .
As depicted in Figure 7 , select the TEXT fields of the five data elements ( marked in red circle ) as the columns of table definition to extract text content of the XML elements .
Semantics is an important component of interoperability and is addressed in the Universal Data Element Framework ( UDEF ) standard which is targeted at business analysts rather than semantic experts .
Ajax describes the practice of using JavaScript to invoke a server-side page to retrieve specific data elements via HTTP without the necessity of retrieving and re-rendering the entire Web page .
The standard interface spells out how applications will use to create , retrieve , update and delete data elements from the cloud that each service provider would offer in APIs .
An Android application may be launched to process a element of data or respond to an event , such as the receipt of a text message .
LOM defines a Base schema that defines a hierarchy of data elements for learning objects metadata .
Place the high-activity data elements at the beginning of each group of the WORKING STORAGE SECTION variables ( COBOL ) .
The other platform may not know which Collection type it should map it to , and the data elements contained in Vector are also mapped to AnyType in WSDL .