
  • 网络Pedagogical tact;wisdom of education
  1. 第四,教师教育机智对教学成效的影响。

    Fourth , the effects on teaching of pedagogical tact .

  2. 第二,教学中教育机智产生的理论基础。

    Second , theoretical basis of pedagogical tact .

  3. 系统观理论为教学中教育机智的产生提供了理论依据。

    3 , theoretical support provided by the school of Systemic Analysis .

  4. 教师的教育机智及其培养

    On teachers ' educational resourcefulness and its cultivation

  5. 语文课堂教育机智摭谈

    On Teaching Tact in Chinese Classroom

  6. 语文教师良好的心理素质集中体现于具有教育机智、教学能力和人格特点等三方面。

    Good mental character of language teachers is mainly shown in educational talent , teaching ability and personal character .

  7. 初任教师在专业成长中面临着很多困难,而培养教师的教育机智正是解决这些问题的关键。

    There are many difficulties in the professional growth of beginning teachers , and educational tact is the key to solve these problems .

  8. 在实践层面,教师应确立其在课堂中的主体性,成为课堂情境中的道德楷模,并具备教育机智。

    On practice , teachers should set up their subjective in the education work and become their students moral model in classroom and have skilled teaching tact .

  9. 培养教师的教育机智,关键在于加强教育理论修养、训练思维反应品质、提高辨别判断能力、丰富教育实践经验。

    The key to cultivating teachers ' educational resourcefulness is to enhance their educational theoretical qualities , train their reaction capacities , improve their judging abilities and enrich their educational experiences .

  10. 教师作为整个教学实践或教学情境的参与及引导者,必然需要在教师素养日益趋向专业化的背景下去了解、掌握并进而运用一种“教育机智”。

    It is necessarily required that quality teachers increasingly tend to master the use of " education tact ", which the teachers as a guide and participant in the teaching practice or teaching situations .

  11. 在与教师素质相联系方面,教育智慧被认为是教师的教育力量、教育素养、教育机智和教育境界,但是这些基本上是教师智慧而不是教育智慧。

    When it is connected with teachers ' quality , educational wisdom is means to educational power , educational dharma , educational tacit and educational horizon . But all of these are teacher 's wisdom basically and are not educational wisdom .

  12. 根据范梅南的教育学思想,教师的专业发展需要反思性教学,但更需要教育机智。

    The teachers'professional development needs reflective teaching and strongly teaching wit , according to The Max Van Manen 's thinking of pedagogics .

  13. 在教育教学中如何将人的发展的关键期理论,人体生物钟理论、教育机智可用于教育教学中如何创设、捕捉与利用教育时机的实际问题。

    Theory of human critical development period , theory of human biological clock , and theory of educational wit can be used to design , grasp and use educational juncture in order to solve practical problems in education and pedagogy .

  14. 教师教育智慧生成的内部条件有:教师要形成高尚的师德、具备科研和反思能力、凝练教育机智、具备对教育事业的感悟。

    Forming magnificent virtue , possessing the ability if scientific research and thinking , forming pedagogical tact , forming the realise of the education career are the inner conditions .