- 名effector molecule

C-type natriuretic peptide : an important effector molecule for renal homeostasis
FasL may act as a cytotoxic effector molecule to Fas - expressing malignant tumor cells .
The function of domain II is to translocate the cleaved part of the toxin or other effectors from endosome to cytosol .
Conclusion : HLP-2b may be a new effector molecule of human LAK cells .
Impairment of Met receptor activity signaling can be achieved via antagonism of ligand / receptor interaction , inhibition of TK catalytic activity , and blockade of intracellular receptor / effector interactions .
It was reported that CRN gene family was cytoplasmic effectors of oomycetes .
Immunoglobulin ( Ig ) is an important effector molecule of humoral immunity , which plays an important role in immune regulation .
The common effector molecules including defensins , the complement system , cytokines and lysozyme ; effector cells are phagocytic cells , NK cells and so on .
Secretory IgA ( sIgA ) is an effective molecule and acts in anti-infection of respiratory tract , gastrointestinal tract , urinogenital tract .
Seed germination and plant growth can be largely inhibited under salt stress . Nitric oxide ( NO ) as a signaling molecule or effector molecule participates in a variety of physiological processes in plants and plays an important role .
RGS proteins accelerate the deactivation of G proteins to reduce GPCR signaling ; however , some also have an effector function and transmit signals .
Guanine nucleotide binding proteins ( G proteins ), known as an important signal transduction molecular , can physiologically couple extracellular signals identified by G protein coupled receptors ( GPCRs ) to a series of intracellular effector to cause changes of gene transcription and protein 's structure and function .
CONCLUSION : The result suggested that whole peptidoglycan of bifidobacterium bifidum could activate macrophages to secrete large amount of interleukin 6 , interleukin 12 and NO. These cytotoxicity effectors mediated many kinds of important physiological functions of bifidobacterium .
To further investigate the mechanism by which CacyBP / SIP induced cell cycle progress in pancreatic cancer cells , we next analyze cell cycle effectors expressions by Western blot analysis .
Genome sequencing identified abundant of effector genes in Phytophthora , and CRN belong to the cytoplasmic effectors that function inside the plant cells , however little is known about their functions and mechanism .
It is considered that ERS is the most critical aspect in the response mechanism of cells . It will regulate the expression of protection endoplasmic reticulum chaperone and effective molecules of endoplasmic reticulum and enhance the tissue damage tolerance .
Conclusion : There are some novel protein ligands on the membrane of activated macrophages , which can induce tumor cells apoptosis .
The study shows that c-Met express continue abnormality greatly in stomach carcinoma . Abnormal expression of c-Met can activate downstream molecules to induce the multiplicative , division , adhesion and imbibition of the tumor cells and the formation of the tumor blood vessels .
It has been known that rennin angiotensin aldosterone system ( RAAS ) plays a key role in the fibrogenesis of local tissue . Angiotensin II ( Ang II ) , the principal effector molecules of the RAAS , exert local effects on cell growth and fibrogenesis .
Moreover , ATII cells have some crucial functions , which include : synthesis , secretion , and recycling of surfactant ; transport of ions and water ; synthesis of immune effector molecules .
Effect of Bushen recipe on immune effector molecules of T lymphocytes
Expression of immune effector molecules in renal allografts and its significance
NO was the inflammatory effector molecule of asthmatic rat .
Roles of effectors in mitochondrial dysfunction of cells infected by enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli
TNF-a and NO are two major tumorcidal effector molecules of activated macrophages .
Pathogen effectors are virulence factors causing plant diseases .
The role of Angelica polysaccharides in inducing effector molecule release by peritoneal macrophages
CONCLUSION : NO is an effector molecule in cytotoxicity of activated macrophages .
This host response is called effector molecules trigger immune response ( ETI ) .
Quantitative Detection of Immune Effector Molecules and Its Application to Acute Rejection of Human Renal Allografts