
xiào yìng fēn zǐ
  • effector molecule
  1. C型利钠肽:肾脏自稳态平衡的重要效应分子

    C-type natriuretic peptide : an important effector molecule for renal homeostasis

  2. FasL对表达Fas的恶性肿瘤细胞来说是一种细胞毒性效应分子。

    FasL may act as a cytotoxic effector molecule to Fas - expressing malignant tumor cells .

  3. PE结构域Ⅱ的作用是使裂解后的毒素部分或其他效应分子从内吞体转位到细胞质。

    The function of domain II is to translocate the cleaved part of the toxin or other effectors from endosome to cytosol .

  4. 结论:HLP2b可能为LAK细胞一新的抗菌抗瘤效应分子。

    Conclusion : HLP-2b may be a new effector molecule of human LAK cells .

  5. 通过干扰配体/受体的相互作用、抑制激酶的催化活性以及阻断细胞内受体/效应分子间的相互作用等方式,可以显著抑制Met受体活化及其介导的下游信号通路。

    Impairment of Met receptor activity signaling can be achieved via antagonism of ligand / receptor interaction , inhibition of TK catalytic activity , and blockade of intracellular receptor / effector interactions .

  6. 研究表明CRN基因家族是卵菌中一类定位于植物细胞质内的效应分子。

    It was reported that CRN gene family was cytoplasmic effectors of oomycetes .

  7. 免疫球蛋白(Ig)是体液免疫的重要效应分子,在机体免疫和调节中具有重要的作用,有关鹅Ig分子水平方面的研究国内外还未见报道。

    Immunoglobulin ( Ig ) is an important effector molecule of humoral immunity , which plays an important role in immune regulation .

  8. 常见的效应分子有防御素、补体系统、细胞因子和溶菌酶等;效应细胞有吞噬细胞和NK细胞等。

    The common effector molecules including defensins , the complement system , cytokines and lysozyme ; effector cells are phagocytic cells , NK cells and so on .

  9. 分泌型IgA(sIgA)作为黏膜免疫系统的效应分子在呼吸道、胃肠道和泌尿生殖道的黏膜抗感染中发挥重要作用。

    Secretory IgA ( sIgA ) is an effective molecule and acts in anti-infection of respiratory tract , gastrointestinal tract , urinogenital tract .

  10. 盐胁迫对植物种子萌发和生长有抑制作用,一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)作为信号分子或效应分子参与植物的多种生理过程而发挥重要作用。

    Seed germination and plant growth can be largely inhibited under salt stress . Nitric oxide ( NO ) as a signaling molecule or effector molecule participates in a variety of physiological processes in plants and plays an important role .

  11. 一般来说RGS可加速G蛋白失活进而终止GPCR信号传导,但也有些RGS同时具有效应分子和信号传递功能。

    RGS proteins accelerate the deactivation of G proteins to reduce GPCR signaling ; however , some also have an effector function and transmit signals .

  12. G蛋白是一类重要的信号转导分子,其生理功能是将细胞膜受体所识别的各种细胞外信号同细胞内一系列效应分子偶联起来,引起核基因转录及蛋白质结构和功能的变化。

    Guanine nucleotide binding proteins ( G proteins ), known as an important signal transduction molecular , can physiologically couple extracellular signals identified by G protein coupled receptors ( GPCRs ) to a series of intracellular effector to cause changes of gene transcription and protein 's structure and function .

  13. 结论:分叉双歧杆菌的全肽聚糖能激活巨噬细胞,使之分泌多量的IL-6、IL-12及NO,这些细胞毒性效应分子介导了全肽聚糖的多种重要生理功能。

    CONCLUSION : The result suggested that whole peptidoglycan of bifidobacterium bifidum could activate macrophages to secrete large amount of interleukin 6 , interleukin 12 and NO. These cytotoxicity effectors mediated many kinds of important physiological functions of bifidobacterium .

  14. 为了进一步研究CacyBP/SIP诱导胰腺癌细胞细胞周期进展的机制,我们接着采用Western-Blot方法分析了细胞周期相关效应分子的表达变化情况。

    To further investigate the mechanism by which CacyBP / SIP induced cell cycle progress in pancreatic cancer cells , we next analyze cell cycle effectors expressions by Western blot analysis .

  15. 基因组测序发现疫霉菌中存在大量的效应分子基因,而CRN基因家族就是疫霉菌一类在植物细胞质内发挥作用的效应分子,但对其功能和机制还知之甚少。

    Genome sequencing identified abundant of effector genes in Phytophthora , and CRN belong to the cytoplasmic effectors that function inside the plant cells , however little is known about their functions and mechanism .

  16. 目前认为,ERS是细胞对有害刺激的应答机制中最为关键的环节,调控保护性内质网伴侣分子和过度内质网应激的效应分子表达,是增强组织损伤耐受性的重要途径。

    It is considered that ERS is the most critical aspect in the response mechanism of cells . It will regulate the expression of protection endoplasmic reticulum chaperone and effective molecules of endoplasmic reticulum and enhance the tissue damage tolerance .

  17. 结论巨噬细胞表面还存在目前未知的效应分子,该分子可以诱导MCA207细胞发生凋亡。

    Conclusion : There are some novel protein ligands on the membrane of activated macrophages , which can induce tumor cells apoptosis .

  18. 研究发现,c-Met在胃癌中持续异常高表达,异常表达的c-Met激活下游效应分子导致诱发肿瘤细胞增殖分裂,粘附浸润,促进肿瘤血管形成,在肿瘤的发生发展、转移浸润中具有重要作用。

    The study shows that c-Met express continue abnormality greatly in stomach carcinoma . Abnormal expression of c-Met can activate downstream molecules to induce the multiplicative , division , adhesion and imbibition of the tumor cells and the formation of the tumor blood vessels .

  19. 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS)对组织器官的纤维化形成有促进作用,其主要的效应分子血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)可促进细胞增殖和纤维化的形成。

    It has been known that rennin angiotensin aldosterone system ( RAAS ) plays a key role in the fibrogenesis of local tissue . Angiotensin II ( Ang II ) , the principal effector molecules of the RAAS , exert local effects on cell growth and fibrogenesis .

  20. 另外,ATII细胞还具有很多重要功能:合成、分泌和重新利用表面活性物质;转运离子和水分;合成免疫效应分子。

    Moreover , ATII cells have some crucial functions , which include : synthesis , secretion , and recycling of surfactant ; transport of ions and water ; synthesis of immune effector molecules .

  21. 补肾方对慢性乙型肝炎T淋巴细胞免疫效应分子表达的影响

    Effect of Bushen recipe on immune effector molecules of T lymphocytes

  22. 移植肾组织五种免疫效应分子的表达及其意义初探

    Expression of immune effector molecules in renal allografts and its significance

  23. 提示NO是哮喘大鼠的炎性效应分子。

    NO was the inflammatory effector molecule of asthmatic rat .

  24. 效应分子在致病性大肠杆菌感染细胞线粒功能障碍中的作用

    Roles of effectors in mitochondrial dysfunction of cells infected by enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli

  25. 及NO是激活的巨噬细胞杀伤肿瘤细胞的主要效应分子。

    TNF-a and NO are two major tumorcidal effector molecules of activated macrophages .

  26. 病原菌的效应分子是导致植物发病的毒性因子。

    Pathogen effectors are virulence factors causing plant diseases .

  27. 当归多糖对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞释放细胞效应分子的诱导作用

    The role of Angelica polysaccharides in inducing effector molecule release by peritoneal macrophages

  28. 结论:NO是巨噬细胞细胞毒作用的一个效应分子。

    CONCLUSION : NO is an effector molecule in cytotoxicity of activated macrophages .

  29. 这种寄主反应就称之为效应分子触发的免疫反应。

    This host response is called effector molecules trigger immune response ( ETI ) .

  30. 免疫效应分子的定量检测对移植肾急性排斥诊断价值的实验研究

    Quantitative Detection of Immune Effector Molecules and Its Application to Acute Rejection of Human Renal Allografts