- 网络radioactivity;activity

The radioactivity of 147Pm solution is measured with both liquid scintillation counting and efficiency tracer method .
Investigation of Radioactivity of Uranium Target in Target - Source of ISOL
Measurement of Radioactive Activity for ~ ( 59 ) Fe Using Intensity Balance Method
Determination of ~ ( 16 ) N and ~ ( 19 ) O Activities in Loop Water of Swimming Pool Reactor
Activity quantification of phantom using dual-head SPECT with two-view planar image
International Comparison of the Activity Measurement of Solution of 204 T1
Antigen-antibody complex was precipitated with anti-human IgG ( immune precipitation method ) and radio-activity determined .
The paper describes the 4 πγ counting method in radioactivity measurement .
Cells were harvested after 2 h incubation with ~ ( 99 ) mTc-MIBI .
Absolute Measurement of Activity Concentration of ~ ( 87 ) Kr by Using Internal Gas Proportional Counting
As the activity of 18F-FDG increased , the uptake rates first rise then decreased .
Activity is measured using 4 πβ γ coincidence apparatus and photon counting is performed applying HPGe and small area planar Ge detectors .
Methods Fifteen patients with carcinoma of uterine cervix were treated with 125I particulate implantation guided by ultrasonography .
The PKC activity was assayed by detecting incorporation of 32P of [ γ - 32P ] ATP into the substrate .
Activities of the standard sources 133 Ba and 134 Cs are determined using four HPGe detectors by γ γ coincidence measurements .
The radioactivity in 6 h 5 min was 27.2 % of the 30 min in normal mice liver and decreased 76.8 % .
And other factors that influence this time comparison result are discussed too in the work . In the paper it is pointed out definitely that the characteristic peaks that are disturbed by characteristic X-rays from out-sources ought to be not adopted to determine activities of the samples .
The data were processed by computer with DAS program , the compartment model was judged in combination of the actual expression of α _ v β _ 3 receptor in normal body and the relevant tracer kinetics parameters were obtained .
With time extending the radioactivity in rice plant declined . From the next day of labeling to harvest the total amount of radioactivity decreased by 31.56 % in normal paddy rice and 31.34 % in upland rice .
The paper introduces a practical method to improve the detection efficiency of 3H , 14C sample , used for metrology technique research , using 4 πβ( LS ) radioactivity of graduation solution of 3H , 14C of National Primary Standard .
Results ① Radioisotope 45 Ca labeling calcium chemical compound has high radio intensity , more steady standard curve and recover rate .
The reaction and purification required about 2.5 h. Sephadex G-75 column was used to separate the labelled CEA-McAb from reactive products and the labelling yield was at least 30 % of the initial activity of ~ ( 211 ) At .
The characteristics of absorption and translocation of phosphorus in dendrobe were revealed by using 32 P.The results indicated that each part of dendrobe could absorb phosphorus , and the highest plant total radioactivity was obtained in the treatment of labelled mature leaf .
Measurements of activities for ~ ( 16 ) N and ~ ( 19 ) O nuclei in the loop water of swimming pool reactor at China Institute of Atomic Energy were carried out .
On the one hand , the radioactivity in leaves of varieties " Ning RS-1 " and " Ningyou NO.7 " rose at first and then fell off , but the increase of radioactivity in variety " Ning RS-1 " was more significant and the radioactivity fell off more slowly .
Based on the analysis of ~ ( 210 ) Pb radioactivity , grain-size and element geochemical contents of 5 cores collected from shallow sea of Zhejiang offshore , we discussed the variation of deposition rates , and the vertical distribution and change characters of chemical elements .
Measurement of gross beta radioactivity in high - level liquid waste
Standard apparatus for measuring activity of the γ - ray radionuclides
These four methods were compared using a standard IAEA example .
Equipment for continuously monitoring for beta and gamma activity in liquid effluents