
shōu liú
  • Taking in;receive;take sb. in;have sb. in one's care;impound;take sb.in
收留 [shōu liú]
  • (1) [receive]∶接受并留下

  • 收留礼品

  • (2) [take sb.in]∶接收并给予帮助

  • 收留难民

收留[shōu liú]
  1. 一个邻居收留了这个男孩在他家藏了7天。

    A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days .

  2. 修道院已经收留了26位难民。

    The monastery has taken in 26 refugees .

  3. 他说服乔把他收留了下来。

    He persuaded Jo to take him in

  4. 政府承诺只收留150名难民及家属。

    The government has agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants .

  5. 收留战争难民的难民营

    a camp for refugees fleeing from the war

  6. 你看到了吧,Carlos和我收留了无家可归的她,本来她应该对我们感激涕零才对。

    Do you see what I 'm dealing with ? I mean , Carlos and I basically took her off the street . You 'd think she 'd be grateful .

  7. 71岁的动物救助中心创始人RonnieMcMillen说:“我们今年收留了很多黑猫——现在的人貌似不喜欢黑猫。”

    Founder Ronnie McMillen , 71 , said : ' We have had a lot of black cats in this year - people don 't like black at the moment .

  8. 彭城动物收容所收留了它,并在它身上发现了一个附有主人信息的无线芯片。但问题是自从Kane失踪后,Saunders搬了家还改了名字。

    The Pendleton Animal Welfare shelter took Kane in and soon realized he had a radio chip with his owner 's details . The only trouble : Ms Saunders had moved and changed her name since Kane went missing .

  9. 在经历各种辗转和奇遇后,教会的人同意收留他,而他们问的第一句话是:你是C.O.G.吗?

    After all kinds of travels and adventures , the church agree to take him in , and what they asked him firstly is : are you C.O.G. ?

  10. 收留所提供食物和衣服给无家可归的人。

    The shelter provides food and warm clothing to the homeless .

  11. 收留女人也只有一个目的。

    And there 's only one thing they want women for .

  12. 没人愿意收留我,我被遗弃了

    No one wanted me . They just left me there .

  13. 这对善良的老夫妇已经收留了10个残废孩子了。

    The kind old couple has altogether taken in10 disabled children .

  14. 你要施恩与善人,不必收留不虔敬的人。

    Give to the good , and receive not a sinner .

  15. 我在没有人能负担他的时候收留了他!

    I took him in when nobody could bear his company !

  16. 走失的猫被一个善良的姑娘收留了。

    The stray cat was picked up by a kind girl .

  17. 第一,合并后的公司没有收留他。

    First , he was not retained by the combined entity .

  18. 没有朋友收留你”

    you haven 't got any friends to take you - "

  19. 请你们开放边境接纳并收留我们。

    Please open the doors to us refugees and save us .

  20. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯。

    To give shelter to harbor refugees ; harbor a fugitive .

  21. 没错她通过收留年长的

    She was . Made a small fortune taking in older ,

  22. 我无家可归时是你收留了我

    I had nowhere to go . You took me in .

  23. 收留一位老实人和他年迈的父母吗

    for an honest man and his ... uh elderly parents ?

  24. 在我们一无所有的时候是你们收留了我们。

    You took us all in when we were nothing .

  25. 那迷路的孩子由警察把他收留了。

    The lost child was picked up by the police .

  26. 特里一家人收留我。

    Terry and his family , they took me in .

  27. 你的意思是不是说,你还准备收留她呢?

    Does that mean that you 're prepared to take her back ?

  28. 我们这里有不允许收留罪犯的规矩

    I 'm afraid we have a no felons rule .

  29. 为什么克察克不肯收留这个人类的孩子?

    Why did Kerchak refuse to accept the human baby ?

  30. 她父母在我七岁时收留了我。

    Her parents took me in when I was seven .