
shè xiànɡ jì shù
  • camera techniques
  1. 线阵列CCD摄像技术在铁路变形监测中的应用

    Application of linear array CCD photography technology for railway deform action monitoring field

  2. 高速摄像技术中TIG焊接过程的熔池和电极研究

    Observation of Melting Pool and Electrode during TIG Arc Welding from High Speed Video Image

  3. 孔内摄像技术在PHC桩完整性检测中的应用

    Application of Testing Method with Video Monitor through the Hole for PHC Pile Foundation

  4. 20世纪医学的重要的成果之一,计算机断层摄像技术(ComputerizedTomography,CT)的出现,使放射治疗学发生了革命性的变化。

    The appearance of one of the greatest achievement in medical research in 20th Century & Computerized Tomography , have brought a revolutionary change to radiotherapy research .

  5. 结合CCD摄像技术和介质阻挡放电照相原理的一种人体指纹提取方法,讨论了基本原理,介绍了指纹传感器的基本结构,给出了用动态法和静态法获得的指纹图像。

    The fingerprint photos photographed by dynamic and static state methods are given based on the principle of dielectric barrier discharge and CCD images in this paper .

  6. CTS数码摄像技术检测晶状体混浊的特异性及皮质与后囊膜下型白内障的敏感性分别为94%及90%;

    The sensitivity and specificity of measuring lens opacification with CT-S digital images were 90 % and 94 % respectively .

  7. 利用高速摄像技术,研究了小药量无约束空间纯铝粉、FAE固体燃料的一次引爆爆炸分散实验过程。

    The process of the explosion dispersion FAE charge and of aluminum powder is investigated through high speed video-photography .

  8. 在今天市政大厅的会议室,两家公司,Viview和TaserInternational分别展示了现代放置人体身上的最新的摄像技术。

    In a special meeting today at city hall . Two separate companies , Viview and Taser International made their pitch to demonstrate the latest on-person video camera technologies .

  9. 本文运用压电测力技术测量竹材切削过程中的切削力,采用CCD摄像技术拍摄切削过程,然后分析切削力和切削区变形以及切屑形成之间的关系。

    In this paper , piezoelectric pressure indicators are applied to measure the cutting forces in bamboo cutting , and the cutting processes are recorded using CCD camera . Then the relation between cutting forces , chip deformation and chip types are analyzed .

  10. 结果CTS数码摄像技术检测白内障患者晶状体皮质、后囊膜下混浊的图像较裂隙灯显微镜清晰。

    Results The distinct digital images of lens cortical opacity , posterior subcapsular opacity and other lens diseases were obtained with CT-S computer digital photography , which images were much better than slit lamp sectional digital images .

  11. 本实验利用活体显微镜摄像技术、透射电镜技术,观察了内皮舒张因子(EDRF)对豚鼠耳蜗微循环的保护作用。

    By intravital microscopy system ( IVM ) and transmission electronic microscopy approach , the propose is to investigate the protective action of endothelium-derived relaxation factor ( EDRF ) on guinea pig cochlea microcirculation .

  12. 该装备主要以动态摄像技术及微机控制为核心,通过RS-232串口连接上位机与下位机(LPC2104单片机),实现了定位及钻孔的自动化,提高了加工效率。

    The key technology of this machine is dynamic photographing and microcomputer control , and connecting upper microcomputer and singlechip ( LPC2104 ) by RS-232 serial port . The machine achieving drilling locating automatization , improving machining efficiency .

  13. 采用美国产Berea标准砂岩岩心和人造平面岩心,进行缔合聚合物溶液渗流和驱替实验。通过自主设计仪器,模拟油层中流体流动状态,用微观摄像技术来观察缔合聚合物结构溶液驱替过程。

    Processed the experiment of fluid flow through porous medium and displacement using Berea standard core and man-made plane core produced in USA. Stimulated fluid flow state in oil layer through self-determination - design instrument and observed displacement process of associating polymer using microcosmic photograph technology .

  14. 航空摄像技术在松材线虫病监测上的应用

    Application of aerial video techniques to the monitoring of pinewood nematodes

  15. 激光在焊接电弧高速摄像技术中的应用

    Application of laser on high speed video of Welding arc

  16. 电视摄像技术在火炮身管窥膛检查中的应用研究

    Using TV camera technology in the peeping at gun bore

  17. 数字全景钻孔摄像技术在铁路工程地质勘察中的应用

    Application of Digital Panoramic Borehole Photography Technique in Railway Engineering Geological Investigation

  18. 晶状体后照明数码摄像技术在白内障检测中的应用

    The application of digital photography with retroillumination for lens in cataract study

  19. 基于高速摄像技术的生物柴油粒径的研究

    Research on Biodiesel Particle Size Based on High-speed Photography Technology

  20. 基于高职教育环境下摄像技术教学模式改革的探讨

    Exploration of Reform of Camera Technology Teaching Mode in Higher Vocational Education

  21. 应用高速摄像技术研究柴油机的喷雾过程

    Characteristics of Diesel Sprays by High Speed Video Camera

  22. 摄影摄像技术专业实验教学改革的研究与探讨

    Study and Discussion on Experimental Teaching Reform of Photography and Video Technology Subject

  23. 口腔X线数字牙片摄像技术及临床应用

    Intraoral digital dental radiography technique and its clinical applications

  24. 基于高速摄像技术的水稻芽播精密排种器研究

    Research on Rice Bud-Sowing Precision Seed Metering Device Based on High Speed Video Technology

  25. 高速摄像技术在弹道碎石器探头运动参数测量中的应用

    The Application of High-Speed Camera Technique in Movement Parameter Measurement of the Pneumatic Lithotrities

  26. 组合式轴流装置谷物流运动分析&基于高速摄像技术

    Analysis on Grain Fluid Motion of Assembled Axial-flow Device & Based on High-speed Photography

  27. 全景电视摄像技术的研究

    A study on Panoramic Video Pickup Technique

  28. 钻孔摄像技术在石炭系特厚煤层工作面的应用

    The Application of Panoramic Borehole Camera to Extremely Thick Seam Working Face in Carboniferous System

  29. 用视频摄像技术测定纳米晶聚合物复合薄膜的传输损耗

    Determination of the Transmission Loss of Nano-crystal and Polymer Complex Thin Films Using Photographic Technique

  30. 由于这种胶片的使用改进了摄像技术,很多人开始买相机了。

    Because the new film was easy to use , many people began to buy cameras .